Showing posts with label X Weeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X Weeks. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20

35 weeks 1 day (35/35)

35 weeks down, 35 days to go! We still have so much reading to do: Everything from our Bradley books to the vaccine book to manuals for all of the safety things. I pulled the car seat out of the box to start familiarizing ourselves with that. The room is pretty much all set; at some point we should pull the cosleeper out of the box and get that setup in our room. I really would like to have all the big things done by the beginning of October....we'll see.

How far along: 35 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +7 (+12 if you count the weight I initially lost and regained as part of my weight gain)
Maternity clothes: I absolutely LOVE my motherhood maternity work pants...they're so soft and comfy...I actually wore them 3 days in a row last week before I caved and made myself wear something else
Stretch marks: Yes: I'm sure I'll see more once the baby's out.
Sleep: Not too much of an issue, I get up 1-3 times to go pee, but fall back to back and belly/sides sometimes hurt.
Best moment this week: Finishing the Christmas stocking and doing some maternity shots with Matt
Movement: Quite regularly, but I think it's starting to become somewhat guess is she's running out of room in there (I'm waiting to have some major belly growth soon).
Food cravings: Ice cold water
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None...If I'm having BH, I don't know it it
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but looking pretty stretched
What I miss: Drugs! This past week of having a cold was really hard, because I wouldn't take anything other than the occasional tylenol and benadryl at bed time.
I am looking forward to: Reaching 36 weeks! (and 4 more weeks of work!)
Weekly wisdom: Pace yourself
Milestones: Starting to feel uncomfortable sometimes...does that count?

Sunday, September 13

34 weeks 1 day

How far along: 34 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +7 (+12 if you count the weight I initially lost and regained as part of my weight gain)
Maternity clothes: Sometimes
Stretch marks: Finally saw the ones on the underside of my belly: EEK!
Sleep: Not too much of an issue, I get up 1-3 times to go pee, but fall back to back and belly/sides sometimes hurt.
Best moment this week: More progress in the nursery :-D
Movement: Quite regularly, but I think it's starting to become somewhat guess is she's running out of room in there (I'm waiting to have some major belly growth soon).
Food cravings: Ice cold water and Apple Cider
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None...If I'm having BH, I don't know it it
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but looking pretty stretched
What I miss: My back not bothering me.
I am looking forward to: FINISHING THE NURSERY!
Weekly wisdom: ....?
Milestones: Starting to feel uncomfortable sometimes...does that count?

We took this picture this morning before we headed to C-town to work at the harvest festival (I don't think I had brushed my hair yet). I'm trying to work with Matt and his photography and one of the things I'm trying to teach him is to get on the level of his subject...well with his being so much taller than me he tried kneeling, but it was too low...and I'm not even sure the picture is focused on me lol :-)

Sunday, September 6

33 weeks 1 days

How far along: 33 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +7 (+12 if you count the weight I initially lost and regained as part of my weight gain)
Maternity clothes: Kind of...I bought a pair of pants to wear to work
Stretch marks: Finally saw the ones on the underside of my belly: EEK!
Sleep: Not too much of an back and belly/sides sometimes hurt.
Best moment this week: Getting the wall letters done
Movement: Quite regularly, but I think it's starting to become somewhat guess is she's running out of room in there (I'm waiting to have some major belly growth soon).
Food cravings: Ice cold water
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None...If I'm having BH, I don't know it it
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but looking pretty stretched
What I miss: My back not bothering me.
I am looking forward to: FINISHING THE NURSERY!
Weekly wisdom: ....?
Milestones: Starting to feel uncomfortable sometimes...does that count?

My aunt was taking too long: This was tonight (33 weeks 3 days) after eating dinner and not stopping to relax since I got home from work.

Sunday, August 30

32 weeks 1 day

I feel some peace at being 32 weeks...I think it's because I know others have delivered at 32 weeks and their babies were relatively ok, with minimal NICU time. It is hard to believe though that there are only 8 weeks left! Where did the past 7 months go?!

I see this on some of the other girls' blogs, since I don't have much to add I'm going to do this each week from here on out and belly shots each week. Here goes...

How far along: 32 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: +6 (+11 if you count the weight I initially lost and regained as part of my weight gain)
Maternity clothes: Kind of...I have cheap yoga capris from fashion bug I wear with maternity tees, but I think I need to buy some pants, because it's getting too cool in the morning for capris.
Stretch marks: I've always had little stretchmarks, but Matt says they are starting to be more of them and they're slowly creeping up my belly. I can't see them because they're on the underside.
Sleep: Not too much of an back and belly/sides sometimes hurt.
Best moment this week: Giving Matt his gift at our shower yesterday and having him there with me the whole time.
Movement: Quite regularly, but I think it's starting to become somewhat guess is she's running out of room in there (I'm waiting to have some major belly growth soon).
Food cravings: None
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: None...If I'm having BH, I don't know it it
Belly button in or out: It's still in, but looking pretty stretched
What I miss: There isn't much I miss...
I am looking forward to: Getting the rest of the baby stuff we need/want and FINISHING THE NURSERY!
Weekly wisdom: Even people who went through IF still can make rude comments (See baby shower post).
Milestones: 32 weeks seems like a milestone to me :-)

My hair gets a bit frizzy when it's raining out (and it rained all day yesterday). Boy, I really do look like crap in this picture (I never know what to do with my hair).

Sunday, August 23

31 weeks 1 day

Two months and 1 day: That's it, that's how much time is left before my due date. Can someone please tell me where the past 6.5 months have gone since we got our BFP?

Nothing terribly exciting going on. I saw Matt's grandma this past week and she informed that I look for-real pregnant, I asked if that was opposed to looking for-fake pregnant. I think just in the past week I've gotten a bit bigger. Rolling over in bed is a bit of work.

Thursday my feet swelled up like balloons at work...oh did they hurt! I think it was a combination of things, none of them being pregnancy: Wednesday night I ate a hot dog, fries, and a funnel cake at the fair, that and with my coworker out I really am not allowed to leave my office (since I answer phones).

I think the increase in sodium and decrease in movement, on top of the heat and humidity was what did me in. They were pretty much back to normal by Friday and haven't been that way since. I even worked 10 hours in the store yesterday and had no foot issues.

I lost track of how many belly-pats I got this week. I think it was mainly because I was at the fair a couple of times and saw people who know me, but I'm not close to and haven't seen in a while. I just grinned and bared it.

So this coming Saturday, there's this thing going on for me...something called a "baby shower": I'm seriously starting to have anxiety issues over this. Before I was all excited to have one, now I really wish I wasn't. The whole time is going to be dedicated to me and our baby and that situation just does not make me comfortable...on so many levels. I'm hoping I get better, and more excited, about the shower this week.

Friday, August 14

30 Weeks 1 Day

Holy Crap! How did I get here?! THIRTY WEEKS!

Some people say that their pregnancies seem to go so slowly and that of others' so quickly: I don't know if it's that we've been busy pretty much the entire time or what, but I feel like this pregnancy is FLYING by! I'm actually kind of saddened by the thought that there may only be 10 more weeks of me being pregnant, feeling our little girl kicking and squirming about in there.

With the arrival of the cloth diapers and my shower being 2 weeks's starting to hit me that we really haven't bought ANYTHING yet for this kid. I was looking online and found this list of "necessities" for baby's first few weeks. I figure after the shower I'll really buckle down and order whatever else we need....I'm sure that will be a huge credit card bill.

I haven't done too much more in the nursery. I'm still plugging along at the valance and haven't made a decision on how I'm going to do it...that and the yardages of the fabric I want aren't available yet, and the person from hasn't emailed, she just had twins, but I don't see it listed on the site yet either. I did find one other place that is carrying some of the fabric in yardage, but it's not the print I want.

I want to work on the letters for her name on the wall, but I don't want to go to the store (an hour away) in hopes of finding what I want, but the alternative is actually doing it myself (I have the wood and the scroll saw, but not the desire). We'll see, with Matt gone this week I may get bored and do it.

Matt's too funny: He sits on the couch with the dogs and talks to them, coaching them on being protective of their little sister: "Are you going to protect the little girl? You going to keep her safe?" It's rather cute.

Here's this week's belly shot: You'll have to forgive the grungy clothes (I'm working around here!) and the crappy picture....Matt has the only camera with him.

Sunday, August 9

29 weeks 1 day

Nothing much to report on the pregnancy front. The kid is more active some days than others, but for the most part she reminds me that she's there. I got on the scale this morning and I'm only 2 lbs above my pre-bfp weight: I'll probably get yelled at for that. I've actually forced myself to eat more this past week and to try and get more iron filled foods in me. Other than that, all's good on that front.

Sunday, August 2

28 weeks 1 day

I passed the GT-Test: WOOHOO, but I have low iron (borderline) the nurse told me that I could start taking an OTC iron vitamin. I know I haven't been eating a lot of meat and I haven't been taking my pnv as religiously as I should. I figure between those two things I should be ok without taking the vitamin. I have never in my life had low iron (that was always my brother).

I think this kid is definitely growing: By the end of the day it feels like she's pushing on my lungs. I get home and the bra comes off, it's easier to breath that way. I also try (gently) pushing on my upper belly and ribs to move her down a bit. I guess the fun is going to be starting with her interfering with my breathing and such.

Haven't felt any more specific body parts, but she seems to be almost constantly in motion. Yesterday I went to the pool just so I could float and hopefully calm her down a bit. I think it helped.

Everyone keeps telling me how tiny and cute I am. I definitely think that my belly is bigger by the end of the day, but I still don't think it's that big (I can still shave my legs in the shower and see my feet). During the morning I don't have much of a belly, but by night time I definitely look more pregnant. Or maybe I'm just in denial about what I look like.

Here's this weeks belly shot with my new skirt that I made (yea, I hate this eyes are so dark compared to the rest of me).

And just for fun, a silly picture of Matt and I from last weekend (let me just say this...his belly isn't that big...he was pushing it out)

Sunday, July 26

27 weeks 1 day

I think I'm in the 3rd trimester, I know there's less than 3 months before the debut. I did manage to get the closet primed yesterday, so I'm hoping today we can get the shelves built and the furniture moved out of the room.

There's really not much going on. Tomorrow is my glucose test...yay! I'm so excited about that...I'm honestly not worried though. We'll just have to see.

Sunday, July 19

26 weeks 1 day

Can I say that I feel tiny? Everyone keeps commenting to me on how small my belly is. I can honestly say I haven't gained ANYTHING! I know all is well, and maybe I'm just blessed to be one of those people who's bodies handle pregnancy beautifully, but I can't imagine I'm that lucky.

Yesterday was fine, all though it was a long day. My mom's cousin kept pushing for us to spend the night (this was at 2:30 - the drive home is only 3.5 hours)...we didn't. I don't like spending the night ANYWHERE, especially if Matt isn't with me. I hate it, I don't sleep.

Nothing new to report, so here's this weeks picture, yes, I'm in my pajamas; no, I haven't brushed my hair yet (not that I usually do):
In the second one I'm sucking in my stomach.

Sunday, July 12

25 weeks 1 day

I have a confession: Yesterday, at the car show, I ate 3 chili-cheese dogs. I only ever get them during the fairs, and it's not like I sat down and just ate 3; they were spaced throughout the day, but that's what I ate....and fries. There's a reason why I only eat this food a few times a year, because I binge on it, then I'm completely disgusted by it for the next year.

There was something that I wanted to write about, but I honestly can't remember now what it was.

My brother called yesterday to wish our sister a happy birthday (she turned 17!): She talked to him for a bit and then she started telling him how she went with me to the ultrasound and how cool it was and that she saw the heart beating and that was awesome (her exact words). She was sitting on my lap, so she couldn't see my face, but I was giggling and smiling. She tries to put on such a tough-guy persona, and my mom and I know that a lot of what she says/does is for reaction (Mom and I were the same way). It was cool to hear her excited about it though.

Hopefully now that the car show is done and we have a couple of weeks before the fair-season, I can get Matt to focus on somethings around here and we can get some tasks accomplished. One of which is thinking more seriously about names.

I remember what I wanted to tell you: Wednesday after the u/s I went into the store to work for a couple of hours so Matt could go to the fair meeting. Well a girl came in (she was a year above me in school and I didn't really care for her then - she's kind of crass) and goes to me "Hey Prego!" Of course she's a fertile and has 3 kids and at least 2 of them were unplanned. I was pretty annoyed.

There's not much going the end of the day, sometimes, my tummy muscles are a bit achy especially if I've been standing a lot. I lost 3lbs again (so I'm now 1lb back under my pre-pg weight..GRR!) , of course after eating chili cheese dogs, I'm sure I gained it back.

I downloaded some "baby sounds for pets"...OH MY GOODNESS! Our dogs do NOT like a baby crying! They come running to me and just keep looking like "What's that sound?! Make it STOP! What's the MATTER?!" They were well behaved though...they didn't bark, only a bit of whining, I figure every couple of days I'll put that on and let it play for a few minutes just to get them used to it. If anyone else has other tips on acclimating pets to babies I'd love to hear them.

15 weeks to go!

Sunday, July 5

24 weeks 1 day (AKA Viability)

I'm doing well: Looking forward to my appt on 7/8 and hoping that the Alien is still a girl, or that at the very least we get a strong confirmation of what they are. I actually have someone going along for the ride with me (2hrs one way): MY SISTER! Matt couldn't go because the store is opening and his mom is still out of town, so I just offhandedly asked my sister if she wanted to go and she said "sure".

This is a really big deal, because quite frankly my sister doesn't like babies, and isn't at all interested in my having a baby or being an aunt (she's 16, so I get it). My mom and I think she has more of a fear of babies than actually not liking them (she's the youngest and never really was around babies). I told her that she didn't have to go in for the actual appt, and that I would leave that up to her.

All in all I'm doing well, and probably doing more than I should (i.e. working on my feet for 9 hours, push mowing the lawn [it's flat], standing on the counter to clean the tops of the cabinets). I promise though that I'm always safe and don't push myself; I take lots of breaks and stop if I feel myself getting tired. There's just so much that needs to get done.

I'm hoping that we get home early enough on Wednesday that I can spackle and prime the closet in the nursery...we'll just have to see.

Now, for your viewing pleasure....see I do own other clothes ;-)

Wednesday, June 24

Drum roll please.......

(no we didn't find out what we're having) Last night Matt felt the baby kick!

I went up to bed before Matt, the kid had been kicking fiercely all evening...and especially more so when I was laying flat on my back in bed. When Matt came up I had him put his hand on my tummy. He's been kind of just humoring me when I say "Here, can you feel that?!", because he hasn't.

He was laying there, eyes closed, and WAM! WAM-WAM! I looked at him and he just had this big dumb grin on his face. "Did you feel that?!" "Yea..."

It was too cute :-)

Sunday, June 21

22 weeks 1 day

We did get our appt for Albany Med, it's scheduled for July 8th at that means I have to be on the road by 6:30am...since I don't know where I'm going. At the very least, if Dr G can't tell us the gender on July 1st, hopefully Albany Med will....then we can get started on this room!

At this point I have 2 very distinct ideas of what we'll do in there, 1 involves repainting the room. If it's a girl the room will stay the colors it is (light yellow and green) and I'm going to do an English Garden thing-y. If it's a boy, the room is getting painted, or at least the bottom 1/2 is, in a darker blue and we're going with a nautical theme (Matt went to school for Marine this will be entirely him). Now to find out....

I'm physically doing back and hips and stomach muscles hurt in the morning; it doesn't seem to matter how I sleep or how I adjust the mattress (we have a sleep number) I still hurt, but it goes away once I start moving around. The spider veins on the back of my left calf are getting worse....I'm not sure if that's from being on my feet all day on Saturday's or other stuff.

I'm just reaching my pre-pregnancy weight...depends on what day and time it is...but I'm within a 1/2lb. I think that's pretty good that at 22 weeks, I haven't gained a pound beyond my pre-pregnancy weight...of course I started off about 20lbs heavier than I should be. I'm hoping not to gain more than 20-25 lbs the last half of pregnancy, but we'll just have to body is going to do what it needs to do.

As far as eating, I'm just eating healthy. I think it benefits me that it's summer and there's a ton of fresh fruits and veggies, which is what I want to eat anyways. I'm really not into eating meat...Matt has to force me to finish my little bit of meat I take every night (we're talking a piece the size of an old answering machine tape). I just have no desire to eat meat. I keep waiting for the pregnancy cravings to hit, but either they're the same cravings I've always had or I just don't notice them.

Here's the card that I ended up doing for my baby shower. I didn't want anything overly baby-ish or disgustingly cutesy...I wanted simple. The card its self is a light sage green with white flowers on it. Matt's mom mailed her invites out already, but oh well, at least everyone else will get this one.

And here it is, another belly picture...of course my belly is super big in this picture since it was after dinner and dessert ( I swear I do wear other clothes, I promise).

Sunday, June 14

21 weeks 1 day

Nothing new to report. Still haven't heard back from our OB as to when our Albany Med u/s appt will be. I did call and ask them how long before we heard back, supposedly by the end of this week I'll know when it is. Hopefully it's a convenient date.

I'm feeling fine. Matt still hasn't felt the baby kick. I'm getting a bit uncomfortable when in bed; I find that my stomach muscles really hurt if I sleep on my right side. I hijacked my body pillow back from Matt, so I've been using that.

Yesterday was the first day, at the end of which, my legs hurt. Usually my legs only hurt after standing/working all day when we were working 2 or 3 days + of 13 hours each, being on my feet. Last night Matt rubbed my legs. Of course last night, after working at the store all day, I read that at this point in your pregnancy you should limit the extended periods of standing and sit with feet elevated frequently HAHAHAHA: Too late now.

I explained to our massage therapist about our IF: She wasn't getting it when I had said we had issues. I explained what our infertility issue is, why, and how we "treated" it: Her response "You poor things, I would never have guessed that something was wrong, you both hid that so well." She was really supportive, and I felt better for educating someone about IF: That it isn't just a relax thing, or now that you got pregnant once, it will happen again quickly.

I think that's about all that's new in the PG department.

Sunday, June 7

20 weeks 1 day

Snissing: The inability to control one's bladder (particularly during pregnancy) while sneezing (or in my case: Sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose etc).

That wonderful thing is happening to me...I've officially deemed a pantyliner at all times necessary. I've always had a bit of a bladder issue, but now HAHAHAHA! fuhgedaboudit! I can go pee, completely empty my bladder, and five minutes later get kicked and be running for the bathroom. I somehow even managed to pull a stomach-to-groin (RL area) muscle trying to avoid snissing.

One thing I find so surreal is that I am pregnant, but not only that but we're HALFWAY THERE! HOLY CRAP! I seriously still have moments when I think I'm not really pregnant or HA! Me? Pregnant?! Whatever! Yea, in spite of getting kicked and feeling this kid move, I still don't believe it.

I think Matt is starting to really accept that we're going to have a baby (maybe I am too). We're talking about things that needed to get done around the house and I had my back to him, I turned around, and he looks at me, then my belly and goes "Oh my gosh! We still need to get all of that stuff done too!"

The other day he says to me, "Do you know that I love you and our baby?" (We always say to the other: "D'you know I love you?"). That was the first time he said "our baby" and "love" (not that he doesn't, but he was that apprehensive that this was really going to happen).

Then the other night he was, in a roundabout manner, asking when he should be able to feel the baby kick. Which I'm hoping is in the next few weeks...I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THAT!

It's totally awesome to hear him ask those things.Big Smile

And, just for the heck of it, a 20-week belly picture...face included, just for you Miss :-P

(yes, that's Sage sneaking into the picture)

Sunday, May 31

19 weeks 1 day

Can I just say how surreal it is to think that I am 1 week away from hitting the half-way mark?!
Here are the current details:

Even after being on vacation for a week I'm still down 4 lbs from my pre-IUI weight (I'm at 173.5). I'm hoping my doctor doesn't yell at me on Friday. It's not like I haven't been eating and I don't have nausea, it's just all going somewhere...I just don't know where.

I'm fully in maternity clothes. There is no way I can not wear them. Fortunately the clothes I bought for summer are all stretchy, so I am still wearing them and probably will be able to continue to do so. Matt's aunt brought me a bag of maternity clothes. I guess she shops a lot there and just finds there clothes to be more comfortable. So I got 2 really cute shirt-dresses and a couple of nice tops.

I think we may have a water baby on our hands (not surprising considering I'm a water rat). The kid loved being in the ocean! I would get out after a couple of hours of jumping waves and floating around and the kid would not sit still.

I took the doppler on vacation and every time I would check it would take me a good 5 minutes to find even a faint heartbeat, I think it was just how they were laying. I got home last night (13 hour drive), popped the doppler on and BOOM! heartbeat was right there. I don't know if the difference in altitude has anything to do with it. I think this kid is glad to be home; they haven't stopped kicking since I climbed into bed last night.

Of course I didn't get a picture of me in my swim suit. There were only about 10 cameras around and not one picture of my belly or a nice one of Matt and I. Matt did get one of me in my regular that's the best I've got.

Sunday, May 24

18 weeks 1 day

The trip down wasn't too bad at back was bothering me a bit, but we were sure to stop every few hours and get out and go to the bathroom; I kept drinking lots of water. Toward the end of the trip the kid started to kick the crap out of me.

We got here and unloaded. There are 4 flights of stairs (and an elevator) from the cars to the top, I did the stares repeatedly. It felt good to be moving. MIL and grand-MIL were all for my being active and lifting and being in the ocean (MIL was an OB nurse for 25 years).

Last night Matt and I were in the pool, the same as BIL and PP...Matt was putting me on his shoulders and walking around the pool, or dumping me backwards off his shoulders (it wasn't anything more than my butt being at the surface level of the pool and tipping backwards. BIL started yelling at Matt that he shouldn't be doing that with a pregnant woman; my response: I'm not an invalid or fragile. I can hardly wait until I start getting yelled at by him for running on the beach or boogie boarding.

The Alien LOVED the water! I got out and showered and the kid didn't quiet down for a good hour afterwards...Last night we pulled out the doppler and the kid was all over, they hardly were still long enough to get a reading!

I feel great and I think my belly has "popped" or whatever the catch-term is. Perhaps it was the drive down, but I most certainly look pregnant now. I'll try to get a picture of me in my bathin suit at some point. The only annoying thing is that I've always had a B belly, even looking pregnant I still have a bit of a B....I'm sure it won't be that way for long.

Monday, May 18

17 Weeks 2 days

I'm a day late...I'll have to beg your forgiveness. There's nothing really major to report, I think I mentioned everything that has been going on pregnancy-wise this past week.

I did call the doctor today to ask about a couple of things:
* What I can take for motion sickness (otherwise this is going to be a really long drive to NC)?
** What were the results of the anatomy scan?
***How should I be sleeping, since I woke up on Saturday and my entire left leg was asleep from hip to toes?

* Unfortunately the only thing I can take for motion sickness is eunacin (?) or a sea-band: Matt was a sailor and said the sea-bands don't work, I'll try it.

**I called and talked to the doctor: Everything is good, baby is at 6oz and all the limbs/bones/organs etc are the proper lengths etc, and it looks like I'm measuring ahead at least a couple of days.

Now I can rest a bit easier. I go for my next regular appt on 6/5, and the nurse told me I could ask the doctor then about doing another u/s to find out the gender (I'd be 20 weeks), but she didn't think it would be a problem.

*** I probably just pinched a nerve or blood-flow...that it's all right, only to be worried if I notice red streaking or the leg itself is swollen. I'm so afraid of sleeping wrong and somehow hurting the baby. I mostly sleep on my back, but everything says not to do I'm trying to sleep on my left side...I think it's time to steal some of the pillows back from Matt.

That's pretty much it....and here is the 17 week 2 day belly shot (it's so hard to believe I'm already 17 weeks!)
It's hard to tell from this picture, but I am definitely getting a bump...especially at the end of the day.

Thursday, May 14


Here's today's picture...may I introduce "Skeletor" (you can click on it and it should be bigger).

Skeletor is now approximately 6oz, with a heart rate of 147....that's all the tech told us. Anyways, the baby is lying right about where I thought, based on where I feel movement and where I find the heartbeat. The flutters on the lower left side are most certainly the feet. Matt saw on the u/s how the kid just keeps jabbing me in the bladder.

We are in a bit of a dilemma now...I really want to know the gender! I think I'm going to call and ask to speak with Dr. G tomorrow. I don't quite know what I'm going to say, other than I want to know the gender and the tech wasn't at all interested in sharing any information with us. I pretty much think I'll just call her to ask her what the measurements are, as well as everything else we didn't get told. Then mention that maybe at my next appt (20 weeks) she can do an u/s to check the gender.

OR I found a place in Wilmington, NC (20 minutes from where we're staying) that does the 3d/4d u/s. It's a bit pricey ($195+tax), but there focus is on giving you a view of the baby and finding out the gender. Matt and I haven't talked about it, but if Dr G won't do another u/s at the next appt we may very well go do that. This would probably be our only opportunity to have a 3d done, as the closest one to where we live is 3.5hrs away. Opinions?

This kid is definitely mad at me today! I think drinking all of that water really took up it's space and it just keeps kicking away at me. They seriously haven't stopped for more than 20 minutes since this morning. It's kind of crazy!
