That wonderful thing is happening to me...I've officially deemed a pantyliner at all times necessary. I've always had a bit of a bladder issue, but now HAHAHAHA! fuhgedaboudit! I can go pee, completely empty my bladder, and five minutes later get kicked and be running for the bathroom. I somehow even managed to pull a stomach-to-groin (RL area) muscle trying to avoid snissing.
One thing I find so surreal is that I am pregnant, but not only that but we're HALFWAY THERE! HOLY CRAP! I seriously still have moments when I think I'm not really pregnant or HA! Me? Pregnant?! Whatever! Yea, in spite of getting kicked and feeling this kid move, I still don't believe it.
I think Matt is starting to really accept that we're going to have a baby (maybe I am too). We're talking about things that needed to get done around the house and I had my back to him, I turned around, and he looks at me, then my belly and goes "Oh my gosh! We still need to get all of that stuff done too!"
The other day he says to me, "Do you know that I love you and our baby?" (We always say to the other: "D'you know I love you?"). That was the first time he said "our baby" and "love" (not that he doesn't, but he was that apprehensive that this was really going to happen).
Then the other night he was, in a roundabout manner, asking when he should be able to feel the baby kick. Which I'm hoping is in the next few weeks...I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THAT!
It's totally awesome to hear him ask those things.

And, just for the heck of it, a 20-week belly picture...face included, just for you Miss :-P
(yes, that's Sage sneaking into the picture)
Woohoo for progress both with the husband, and with the bump - you are definitely pregnant!!! Crazy isn't it? :-)
Yay! Belly shot - you look mahvahlous!
Haha snissing one of the many joys of pregnancy. I love the belly shot this week you look great.
You look great! Wow, halfway there already. The time is FLYING by.
Ooh, I love that photo! You look fabulous! I've noticed Manny starting to connect more and more with the sweet potato (name changes depending on what his iPhone pregnancy app tells him is the approximate size of the baby) and it is so great! How wonderful that you and Matt are enjoying this time together and that he's starting to get excited.
yay for 20 weeks!!! You look fantastic!
I hope you don't mind that I haven't been here for a while and that you excuse me for being late with the CONGRATULATIONS too...but wow you look beautiful.
My deepest and heartfelt YIPPEE on your BFP!!!!! So Happy for you!!!
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