Showing posts with label Lenten Dare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lenten Dare. Show all posts

Sunday, March 9

One Thousand Gifts #1203-1230

1203. Generosity of family: Both in their homes and love.
1204. Cuddling on the couch with 4 sweet babies.Lenten Dare Graphic WM
1205. How truly we are blessed in having had not one or two, but three healthy and strong preemies.
1206. Kind words from others, telling you, you’re doing a good job with your kids.
1207. All 4 kids excited for stories before going to sleep.
1208. The power of prayer.
1209. That I can call on our Savior to protect me from Satan.
1210. Forgiveness…given and received.
1211. Excess….we have more than we need, and such a blessing that is.
1212. The provisions to not only repair our home, but create a home that fits us better.
1213. Mary & Martha.
1214. The ability to go into the world and share God’s love.
1215. A good Gathering last week.
1216. Cars that run.
1217. That somehow, someway, God always takes what we have and makes it enough…especially with money.
1218. Those glimpses of God throughout the day.
1219. A living room that is constantly wrecked by the creative energies of 4 kids.
1220. The ability to look at it and laugh.
1221. A husband who has my back.
1222. Opportunity. It is in opportunity that we have the chance to grow and learn.
1223. Time to read, even if it is in the middle of the night.
1224. Access 24/7 to so many wonderful words: Through the Bible, blogs, and a  thousand other sources.
1225. A $4 skirt at the consignment shop.
1226. Time with my sister.
1227. Hearing the sweet heartbeat of my nephew.
1228. The quiet of naptime.
1229. Hearing the birds a bit more outside of my window each morning.
1230. Daylight Savings Time: Because the kids sleep past 6am now.

Thursday, March 6

From the Archives—A Lenten Dare

Yesterdays marked the first day of Lent; a season in which we not only walk the somber road awaiting the Resurrection Day, but a season in which we often feel that we must DO someTHING to commemorate it. A few years ago, I challenged myself to find One Thousand Gifts in my life, 25 gifts a day, for 40 days. Last year, I asked you to join me in that challenge. This year, I’m {hoping} to share once a week the gifts I find.Lenten Dare Graphic WM

Want to know more about the “what and why” of my counting God’s gifts? You can read more here.

Friday, March 29

Lenten Dare—Link Up #7

Today is the day, the day on which all our thanks and gifts mean nothing without His greatest gift: Death on a cross, 7the most humiliating and painful of deaths. The pouring out of His blood; coving our multitude of sins; redeeming us to Him. No amount of Eucharisteo that we can give will ever be enough for what He did; but we still must give thanks.

While our heads are bowed in shame for our sins, He bows low to us, lifting us out of our own filth and into His glory. It is His touch that drowns us in blood, His blood; giving us life anew, turning us whiter than snow. He takes what we deserve {crucifixion} and gives us what He himself did not receive {grace}.

1192. Wonderful time with a new friend
1193. A husband who in spite of working so very hard is willing to take over and give me time to do what I would like.
1194. Colors…all the colors and all the ways in which God brings them together
1195. Grace in motherhood
1196. The desire to be an event planner/organizer…I’m seeing now how this can be a blessing to those around me
1197. Long afternoon naps…when everyone sleeps {haven’t had it in a while, but boy am I thankful when they do happen}
1198. Words and pictures of encouragement when it comes to fashion
1199. The smiles that my kids manage to put on my face on a grumpy day
1200. For those who are willing to not only embrace truth, but tell it, and share it with the world
1201. Henry’s dancing around the living room
1202. That there will come a day of reckoning and we will once again be returned to Him.

Join me in sharing your Gifts?

Friday, March 22

Lenten Dare—Link Up#6

1175. Another good snow {maybe we won’t have a drought this summer}
1176. Kids sleeping a bit better
1177. Time to sew
1178. Finishing sewing projects before Easter
1179. Heritage and family history
1180. IRISH Soda Bread
1181. Coconut Oil
1182. Hot showers….alone.
1183. No matter how small our house is, it’s always big enough for family
1184. Water….my favorite beverage
1185. Playing tag with the kids
1186. The Lord has kept Matthew safe on the route all through the winter
1187. Listening to the kids laugh in their cribs
1188. Clean dogs with nice hair cuts
1189. A groomer who is actually willing to deal with our spastic dogs {they have major anxiety issues about being groomed}
1190. Soap….whether for clean bodies, clean clothes, or clean plates
1191. Getting caught up on the laundry….even if it was only for a few hours

Join me in sharing your Gifts?

Be sure to link up with us as we share our gifts from God.

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Friday, March 15

Lenten Dare—Link Up #5

51153. Discovering that homemade gluten free chocolate chip cookies can be good.
1154. Not owing much back, after our taxes were corrected
1155. That Matt is not a “typical” father or husband
1156. Playing in the yard with all 4 kids
1157. Having more spring like weather
1158. Ave’s fascination at the little plants that are starting to poke their way through the frozen ground
1159. Matt playing with our children {he’s so often working, that he doesn’t get to spend much time just playing with the kids, such a joy}
1160. Mud puddle jumping
1161. Cold temperatures again and snowflakes in the air…I’m savoring these last weeks of it being cold and not hot and humid {I do not do hot and humid well}
1162. Hot cups of tea, with just the right amount of honey in them {a la Matthew}
1163. Quick clean ups
DSC_03201164. Watching Henry try to Irish Step Dance….oh my goodness…hysterical
1165. Warm dogs on cold feet
1166. Not having to load wood into the basement every few days in order to heat the house
1167. Fabric and colors, lots of colors
1168. New outfits for Ellie {hand me downs from Avie}
1169.’s great prices on summer play clothes {cheaper than at the consignment shops}
1170. Listening to my Irish music, leading in to St. Patrick’s Day
1171. One on one time with Miss Ellie…even if it was during my Mom to Mom group
1172. TWO solid hours of alone time today…everyone napped at once
1173. Spending time catching up with some of my blog friends, who I hadn’t visited in weeks {Sorry ladies!}
1174. My boys kicking a ball between them and giggling as they chase each other around the living room

Join me in sharing your Gifts?

Be sure to link up with us as we share our gifts from God.

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A Lenten Dar with

Friday, March 8

Lenten Dare—Link up #4

Link up 41128. Little boy giggles and little girl laughs
1129. That we not only have food in our house, but that it’s good, healthful foods
1130. Farm Fresh Deliveries
1131. The kids going to bed earlier at night as we lead up to Daylight Savings Time
1132. Henry and his “Mamum” shouts
1133. Spending time with Matt last weekend, sans kids
1134. Getting to see one of my favorite Irish musicians on Sunday (Cathie Ryan)
1135. Sneaking in moments to create
1136. The Boys playing chase around the living room
1137. Words to convey my own thoughts to others
1138. Strength to keep my mouth shut, even when I’m ready to be nasty back to people
1139. That I have a husband whom I can vent to, and who can vent to me
1140. Ellie standing on her own
1141. That no one is capable of loving or caring for my children as God has called me to do
1142. Quilts
1143. Patience to enjoy the snuggles even way I am really not in the mood for it {ie. the middle of the night or while trying to get “things” done}
1144. Butter….oh my how life would be less without butter
1145. A husband willing to “learn” how to use the floor-mate and then actually doing the floor
1146. Being inspired by people who can speak His truth and words, from memory
1147. Getting adjusted by the best chiropractor I’ve ever been to, for the first time in almost 2 years
1148. Taking the kids to the park in the fly boat
1149. Being able to fit all of the car seats in a minivan
1150. Unsolicited “I love yous”, “Thank yous”, Hugs and Kisses
1151. Projects completed
1152. Him.

A Lenten Dar with

Friday, March 1

Lenten Dare–Link Up #3

Lenten Dare 31104. A note from a reader on a day in which I particularly needed to be uplifted.
1105. Outpourings from readers {friends} who are struggling with the lonelies too
1106. Being reminded of God's faithfulness through some of the toughest years of my life
1107. Bone crushing hugs from my babies, especially Jamesie's
1108. Avie's reply of "you're welcome", when I thank her for being my daughter
1109. Curling up in bed with Ave and reading story after story together
1110. Lying on the floor with my trio and having them crawl all over me
1111. The excitement on the kids face when daddy gets home
1112. Ellie's sloppy kisses
1113. The awe at God's goodness in giving us these children
1114. Like-minded moms
1115. The moments in which I feel God's hand and presence in my life so strongly
1116. Being "struck to the core in a moment of breathless delight..."
1117. Not just knowing, but feeling that my worth is not determined by those around me (those beyond my husband and kids, but other people) but by God
1118. Nighttime cuddles with my sniffly boy, Henry
1119. That tomorrow is Friday DSC_0604
1120. Feeling and giving grace in a really hard situation regarding our finances
1121. Being blessed and inspired by two incredible sisters (online friends) at their faithfulness in doing God's will, and reaching out to others.
1122. Finding myself praying to The Lord to use scary as that might be
1123. Leftovers for an easy dinner
1124. That I wasn't coming down with some nasty bug, but getting my period...blah
1125. The possibility of a friendship {of which I realized that I don’t even know how to begin a friendship…but there is always His Grace}
1126. That god has made me who I am, that he lays different people on my heart, that I desire to reach out to others, even if I'm not always able to or received by them. That even then there is His grace for my faults and failures in doing so.
1127. Reading a couple of fiction books for fun!

Be sure to link up with us as we share our gifts from God.

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A Lenten Dar with

Friday, February 22

A Lenten Dare–Link Up #2

Lenten Dare 21088. Avelyn saying “I love my mommy and daddy, and you guys too” to her siblings.
1089. Tax return…mama’s getting a new stroller!
1090. Cold snowy nights, and not having to drive home in the middle of them, like before we were married.
1091. Massages
1092. Dollar stores
1093. Strength to credit God for my life amidst those who question His existence
1094. Healthy preemies
1095. Submitting my desires to Matt's financial prudence, no new computer but we’re putting a good chunk aside for the new addition.
1096. God helping me to make peace with that^^^ and I know it’s the best plan.
1097. Roasted cauliflower …yummm
1098. Grandparents who watch kids
1099. Grocery shopping alone
1100. DIY projects...the knowledge to do these things and save money
1101. Matt's willingness to love me (possible new business venture for me, allowing me to spend a little something on myself.
1102. That even when I worry about what others think of me I remember that I only need to worry about what GOD thinks of me.
1103. A young girl choosing life for her baby and the community that reaches out to support her, being able to be a part of that.

Join me?

Be sure to link up with us as we share our gifts from God.

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A Lenten Dar with

Friday, February 15

A Lenten Dare–Link Up #1

I’m so excited to have you here this week: Sharing all the ways in which God has shown you His grace in your every day life! Click HERE if you would like to find out a little more about what I’m doing during this season of Lent. If you would like to link up with me, the form is at the bottom of this post, as well as a graphic, if you want to include that on your own blog.

1065. Ave saying “We need a family hug”
1066. Whiskey…that’s right….whiskey
1067. Catching Ellie quietly sitting and reading a book
1068. Kids playing together nicely
1069. Handsome husband going to work, day after day, tirelessly providing for us
1070. Avelyn sharing an apple and cheese without being asked
DSC_01711071. Unexpected sunshine streaming in while I wash dishes
1072. Apples, in all their “Sweet and crunchy” glory
1073. Seeing Ellie in my first Christmas dress
1074. Bursts of colors amidst the gloom and grey of winter
1075. Stolen moments hanging out diapers…feeling the sun on my back and the cold breeze in my face
1076. Gumption and grace to clean the bathroom, knowing it will be trashed after bath time tonight
1077. Other moms in real life {my Mom to Mom group}
1078. Other MULTIPLE mamas in real life, who not only share the crazy, but our faith
1079. The look of confusion on the mailman’s face when he saw HIS valentine in our mailbox
1080. God diffusing emotions during frustrating conversations and words with others
1081. Jamie's sloppy wet tongue-y kisses
1082. Peace for Henry while he cuts 4 molars at once
1083. Peace for mommy while Henry cuts 4 molars at once
1084. The absolutely awe-inspiring faithfulness of God and his provisions; feeling it once again when paying bills the other night
1085. Knowing that God is big enough for our dreams, that if they are His will we CANNOT fail
1086. Construction estimates coming in less than I thought
1087. The 4 lives He has entrusted into our care {4 years since finding out we were finally pregnant!}
A Lenten Dar with

Be sure to link up with us as we share our gifts from God.

1. Jess at LifeintheWhiteHouse  

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Wednesday, February 13
