Wednesday, June 10


Scripture Reading: Mark 5:21-43 “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Mark 5:36

In an emergency room, if a doctor treats a patient with a nosebleed while another patient with a heart attack goes unattended and dies, that doctor is in trouble. If a police officer chases someone for speeding but ignores a bank robbery, that officer could face discipline.

Some situations call for immediate attention, while others can wait. Yet in our story today Jesus seems to delay an urgent case to deal with a less-important one.

Jesus was approached by a man named Jairus, whose daughter was at the point of death. He pleaded with Jesus to come immediately to his house and heal her. Along the way, a serious—but less urgent—situation arose. A woman who had been sick for 12 years touched Jesus and was healed. He stopped and asked, “Who touched me?” At first no one responded. But then the woman, trembling with fear, told what had happened.

Then, while Jesus was still speaking to the woman, word came that Jairus’s daughter had died. Jairus must have had feelings of anguish, confusion, and perhaps anger. Why had Jesus let that woman delay him?

Can you relate to this? Maybe you have waited for Jesus to help you, but it seemed never to happen. Remember: Jesus is never late. He is always on time— but it’s always in his time, and his timing is best. Jesus raised Jairus’s daughter to life—to the glory of God.

Lord, give me faith and patience when I am tested to tears and perhaps even anguish. Help me to know that your timing is best- and God will be glorified. Amen.


Rebekah said...

So true. Thanks.

Jendeis said...

What a beautiful tale. I have been trying to make part of this lesson a part of my daily intention, that is, that everything is happening just as it should and I am helping everything to happen just as it should.
