Sunday, May 24

18 weeks 1 day

The trip down wasn't too bad at back was bothering me a bit, but we were sure to stop every few hours and get out and go to the bathroom; I kept drinking lots of water. Toward the end of the trip the kid started to kick the crap out of me.

We got here and unloaded. There are 4 flights of stairs (and an elevator) from the cars to the top, I did the stares repeatedly. It felt good to be moving. MIL and grand-MIL were all for my being active and lifting and being in the ocean (MIL was an OB nurse for 25 years).

Last night Matt and I were in the pool, the same as BIL and PP...Matt was putting me on his shoulders and walking around the pool, or dumping me backwards off his shoulders (it wasn't anything more than my butt being at the surface level of the pool and tipping backwards. BIL started yelling at Matt that he shouldn't be doing that with a pregnant woman; my response: I'm not an invalid or fragile. I can hardly wait until I start getting yelled at by him for running on the beach or boogie boarding.

The Alien LOVED the water! I got out and showered and the kid didn't quiet down for a good hour afterwards...Last night we pulled out the doppler and the kid was all over, they hardly were still long enough to get a reading!

I feel great and I think my belly has "popped" or whatever the catch-term is. Perhaps it was the drive down, but I most certainly look pregnant now. I'll try to get a picture of me in my bathin suit at some point. The only annoying thing is that I've always had a B belly, even looking pregnant I still have a bit of a B....I'm sure it won't be that way for long.


twondra said...

Here from ICLW. :) Congrats on your pregnancy! We have also had to use donor sperm. Unfortunately we haven't gotten our BFP, but I know the emotional road it is to have to be faced with using donor sperm.

Good luck with your pregnancy sweetie! (((HUGS)))


sadie607 said...

haha good for you for being active (just continue to ignore the comments) and Yay for 18 weeks can't wait to see your belly pics.

Hapi said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Trish.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

congratulations 18 wks 2 days...

hi, I am visiting from ICLW...No. 126 to say hello and to check out your blog.
My Little Drummer Boys

dawn said...

visiting from iclw! :) congrats on 18 weeks 1 day! so happy things are going well and i love that you are staying active and not just sitting on the couch.

queenwilhelmina said...

Congrats and good luck with the pregnancy! It's great that you're having fun! _ICLW

We have Angel Wings said...

So glad to hear you're having fun!


Alana said...

Congrats on your BFP! :)


Missy said...

Glad you are having a fun vacation!


WiseBursche said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy...Hoping everything goes smooth for you!

Lots of good wishes!


Beautiful Mess said...

Sounds like you had a blast! I always hated it when people would tell me not to do certain things when I was pregnant. Way to show em!

Chelle said...

Sounds like the pool was a lot of fun and if I were getting yelled at, it would have fueled my fire and I would have done it more!! I think it is great that you are active.

Can't wait to see pics!

In Due Time said...

Sounds like you're having fun. :-)

Jill said...

Wow-I'm just glad you have that much energy at 18 weeks! I did not! Hope you had a lot of fun!

Can't wait to see your belly pic!
