Showing posts with label Triplets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Triplets. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18

God is Faithful in All Things and Through All Things, Always.

Joy in the Morning
This morning Ellie's temperature stayed down!

Yesterday afternoon was her last dose of Motrin and her temp has not gone above 99.9 ever since. Praise the Lord!

The doctor called this morning with the urine culture results, she does have a UTI. So it’s antibiotics for a week, with daily doses of yogurt for probiotics.

I’m not crazy about antibiotics, but at least we know what’s wrong and how to treat it.

Ellie is definitely feeling better. She’s smiling more and giggling again. It’s so wonderful to know that the fever is down.

Today is the last day of the fair and we’re all doing ok.

Thursday, August 16

Prayers Please

This has been an incredibly hard week for us, for me. As many of you know it’s fair week, which means that I’m home alone. Matt’s been busy working at our stand, getting home around 1am and leaving again at 6:30am.

In addition to that, and all of those stresses, Ellie has been sick, like REALLY sick, like waiting-for them-to-put-her-in-the-hospital sick.

Sunday she was running a low-grade fever, chalked it up to teething. Monday afternoon, she woke up from a nap and was frying, 106.7* was her temp. She was in a warm room in pajamas. I stripped her down and stuck her in the tub with lukewarm water and got it down to 103, started with Tylenol. Tuesday she still had a temp and we went in to the doctor. The doctor wasn’t there and was saw the NP, who looked her over (no ear infection, no swollen glands, looks good), sent us home to continue Tylenol and Motrin.Ellie Sick

Wednesday we were still fighting it. We had one low temp (98.4) in the night, but then it started going up as soon as she woke up in the morning. Had another low temp (98.2) last night, woke up and it was 99.9. Figured we might be in the clear, but she was feeling warmer again. Called the doctor and headed in.

Get to the doctor’s and she’s totally fine…98.3 temp. They look her over, don’t see anything, but take a urine and blood sample for testing (one of the single-most traumatic experiences in my life, her having blood drawn and being cath’d). Sent home with a prescription.

It’s so frustrating! She is the picture of health and acting completely fine, but she has this incredible fever that we have no idea what the cause is.

She slept a bit in the car seat and now her temp is back up to 104.7. Waiting to hear the results on the lab work. She’s drinking just enough that she isn’t getting dehydrated, which is the only thing keeping her out of the hospital. If that happens she’s getting admitted.

Of course whenever anything happens in one’s life, that the cause of is not known, people have to give all their little bits of advice. This, right now, is harder than almost anything else. I’m tired of being brow-beaten by people {who, I know, have Ellie’s best interest at heart} that I’m not doing enough, that the doctor is wrong, that I need to go elsewhere for help; those things don’t help. That is what is pulling me down more than anything.

My mom has been here helping as much as she can, but now my dad (who is doing Matt’s work week for the first time in a long time, since he’s at the fair) is not doing well (sky-rocketing blood pressure) on the route. I just want the fair to be over and have my husband back and for Ellie to be better.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6

Any spare prayers you could send our way would be greatly appreciated :-)

Thursday, August 2

July Ketchup!

As the babies are getting older I'm finding less and less time to get things done. For some reason they expect me to entertain them when they're awake, and don't find naps to be as appealing as they once did...go figure.

Swimming Lessons
Ave started swimming lessons at the beginning of the summer. The kid loves the water. They actually wanted to bump her up to the next level after the first session, but I don't think she listens well enough to do that.

Henry, James and Ellie started swimming lessons in the middle of July. We had taken them once before lessons started to see how they did. They all liked it, except for when it was a bit chilly.

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Starting Solids
We've been delaying this one until we have a table big enough to fit all of us around. Also, they babies haven't really seemed too interested, until the past week or so.

James is ravenous and can eat about a 1/2 cup of cereal on his own, Henry is interested but doesn't care for it (he does this lovely gagging thing), and Ellie is kind of interested but not really (but she's also the more delayed of the three).

I just ordered some vegetables, so this weekend we'll start with them, but I think the boys will be eating more solids and less bottles really soon.

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Wednesday, July 25

7 Months Old

I apologize for this being late, but it’s a bit crazy around here.

Sir Henry

*He weighs 20lbs 7ounces, he is a big, heavy boy
*Definitely babbling
*Wearing 12 month clothes
*He tries to grab his toes, but between the diaper and his rolls it’s kind of hard
*Had his first hair “trim”: It’s bald in the back, but there was a lot of long, shaggy bits that needed to be evened up.

King James
DSC_0232*I think he’s weighing around 18.5lbs to 19lbs
*Most certainly doing some sort of crawling…He kind of just rolls and pulls himself along
*Incredibly vocal…lots of Dadadada and other such babble.
*Wearing 12 month clothes
*Started grabbing at his toes

Princess EllieDSC_0237
*She weighs 15lbs 14.5 ounces
*Always talking, lots of mamama
*Very intense. I cannot believe how intense this girl is; you would think she never laughs or smiles, but she does.
*Wearing 9 month clothes
*Grabs at her toes too
*Very content to sit and play with toys

The kids all started swimming lessons last week and they all seem to love it! The boys just kick and splash away and Ellie just looks, at the people, the water, everything. She does kick a bit, but she’s busy studying.

We do have occasional nights of sleeping through, but more often than not there is one wake up.

Still trying to do one nap a day upstairs: Some days they all sleep a couple of hours, sometimes one of them is up after 30 minutes

The boys seem to have FINALLY bumped up to the bigger bottles (8oz) they still only take around 6-7 oz at a time. Ellie is still only doing around 5oz at a time. I think they’re more interested in smaller, frequent meals than anything else.

We have done a bit with solids…more with soft things we’re eating ourselves. Once we have the dining room <---> living room swapped we’ll have a table to sit them all at near the kitchen.

I’m not sure what to do with the boys about clothes. They fit in 12 months, but just barely…I’m debating pulling out the 18 month stuff.

Nobody is sitting up on their own yet. James and Henry are the closest, but they don’t correct themselves when they start to list to one side or the other. Ellie just flops over.


Friday, June 29

You’re All My Favorites

There’s a really cute children’s book called “You’re All My Favorites”; in which 3 little bears (2 boys and a girl) become 31pnvFp7ESL._SL500_AA300_very concerned as to who is their parents’ favorite. Their parents explain that each of them are their favorite, for the very thing that made them different from the other two. Great book.

I think every parent wonders if they’ll ever be able to love another child as much as their first one, whether their first child will be their favorite. As a parent now of more than one child let me tell you something…your first child will be your favorite, so will your second, and third etc etc. They will all be your favorite.

I can hold each one of my children independently of the others and each time I think to myself, “There is no way I could love anyone more than I love you”, and it’s true. I love them all more than the rest of them, and love none of them less than the others. Except when I’m holding the one that doesn’t stop screaming, I may just love that one a little less at that moment :-)

How is this possible?

Don’t ask me. I have no idea. All I can think is this must be another one of God’s wonders; that we can love this way.

Wednesday, June 27

Review: Loving the Little Years

I just finished the book Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches by Rachel Jankovic (she blogs at and It was a light, fast read…managed it in 2 evenings…could’ve done it in one.

What I most enjoyed about this book is that it is the FIRST parenting book I’ve come across in which the author had more than one baby at a time, she has twins. There are so few books that talk about parenting with multiples, particularly when they are not the oldest. Jankovic had two singleton pregnancies, followed by twins: 4 kids 3 and under {not quite the same brand of crazy as us}.

Until I’ve written the book on raising triplets, while also having a 2 year old…this book will have to do. {And yes, that book is on my To-be-Written list}.

First off, Jankovic is the daughter of Nancy and Doug Wilson, the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho and the author of countless books and audios on theology and parenting. If you’ve never listened to his collection of sermons on Loving Little Ones…it is something to definitely listen to. Great parenting advice!

Anyways, back to Loving the Little Years.ltly
One of the first things that Jankovic talks about is how the Lord calls us to be fruitful, but that it isn’t limited to bearing children. Having children, and scads of them, does NOT make you a fruitful person. Having NO children doesn’t mean you CAN’T be fruitful. What He calls us to is different than what we are often led to believe.

Being fruitful means giving of ourselves, our own overabundance, to the point of excess. Blessing everyone and everything around us with what we have and create. “Be bountiful with your fruit and free with it. The only thing you can know for certain is that God will use it.”

Throughout the book Jankovic shares several funny stories of her and her husband’s failed attempts at parenting. A few of them had me laughing out loud.

Another thing that Jankovic discusses is how we, as parents, very often will sin right back at our children for their sin: The get even approach. None of the kids are doing what they should and it’s because you didn’t do what you should (for example preparing for getting out of the house in advance, then yelling at the kids for being themselves and adding to the ensuing chaos). The other example she sites is two kids fighting over something and then rather than addressing the heart of the matter (their unwillingness to put others first), just removing the object of discord, because it’s the easier thing to do.

One thing that both Jankovic and Wilson discuss is something that Matt and I absolutely love. The idea of having very strong strictures and rules in place NOW, and as the children grow trusting them to go into the world knowing what is right and wrong, and what is expected of them. Rather than letting them run rampant now, then when they’re teenagers trying to reel them in with a thousand rules.

This book had so many wonderful insights and practical thoughts. Things that we all know, but often we’re so worried about just getting through the day with the kids still alive and the house still standing, that we forget about the importance of actually RAISING and GUIDING our children. Which isn’t that really the whole point anyways?

*This review was entirely my own. I didn’t even receive a free book for writing it :-P

Friday, June 22

6 Months

Yea. How did that happen? Didn’t I just write Ave’s 6 month post?

The babies have their 6 month well baby visit next week, so I’ll update this post once I have their stats, but for right now here’s everything else.

*Rolling over both front to back and back to front
*Will sort of tripod, but his head is so big, he just kind of flops
*No sign of any teeth
*Can sit up by himself if he’s supported (via exersaucer or something)
*Fitting only in 9 month clothes, no more 6 month

Henry b 2 4 6

*Rolling, not only rolling, but moving himself across the floor. If you put him down, you can guarantee you’ll find him a few minutes later about 6’ away from where you put him.
*Starting to tripod.
*Two bottom teeth that are almost there…and he has been such a sport about both of them
*Can sit up by himself if he’s supported
*Fitting only in 9 month clothes, no more 6 month

James B 2 4 6 months 
*She’s rolled over a few times, but doesn’t seem to want to make it a habit
*Can sit up if she’s supported, but isn’t interested in tripoding.
*No teeth yet
*Laughs hysterically when you’re changing her clothes/diapers, but as soon as she sees a camera she clams up
*We’ve kicked her out of 3 month clothes, which she still fit in separate pieces, but not one piecers.

Ellie B 2 4 6 
*No one has any interest in rice cereal or “solids”
*Still getting up once per night
*We have successfully de-swaddled and everyone goes peaceably in their cribs awake (have been for a few months now)
*They’re also all taking one (2-3 hour) nap a day upstairs in their cribs, which I conveniently time to coincide with Avie’s nap. They cat-nap the rest of the day in their swings/bouncers, but at least it’s a start.

All 3 at 2 months DSC_0435
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*sigh* I can’t believe our babies are already 6 months old. How did that happen….

Monday, June 18

W.I.R. {Weekend in Review}

First off I would really like to take this moment to push my agenda to move to a 5 day weekend and 2 day work week. I think we would all be much happier :-P Moving on…..DSC_0165
Our weekend was crazy-busy! Saturday morning Ave went with Matt’s mom to a street fair hosted by one of the churches in town. She came home quite exhausted, smelling deliciously of sweat and sun: Of to bed she went for a good 3 hour nap (yay!). Matt worked  on the fence all day. He was down to the gates and he managed to get the main one done (yay!); it looks great and now I don’t have to worry about kids escaping!
My mom came down so that we could take advantage of my dad’s Father’s Day gift (an ice cream maker). She and I made a batch of Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream, using coconut milk, honey, strawberries, and heavy cream…delish! We had that for dessert yesterday, which everyone loved.
Saturday evening was the {First Ever} Homeschool Prom! I think it was my sister and her friends that initiated the whole thing. They did a great job! The kids organized and planned the entire thing themselves. What kid doesn’t like the chance to get dressed up fancy, with their friends, and dance for a few hours? I don’t know too many…even most guys like the chance to get dressed up.
I’m trying something new with the album thing…bear with me :-)
Matt and I didn’t get to bed until after midnight on Saturday, because I decided to go up and see the last little while of their prom and Matt stayed up until I got home (which he never does!).

Sunday morning the kids slept in a little bit (‘til around 7 or so, with a 5am feed). We got up and let Daddy sleep until almost 9am, when we brought him breakfast in bed! Nothing fancy: Scrambled eggs, coffee, bacon, fresh biscuits, and a cinnamon bun (which I made a batch of these a few weeks ago and put in the freezer). I think he was pleased. Then out he went to finish the other gate on the fence.
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Then in the afternoon all our families came over for a BBQ, which was really nice, since every one brought something: My dad did ribs on the grill, Matt’s mom made corn pudding, his sister and our future brother in law brought bread, and my aunt made salad. All I had to do was make the potatoes and provide the dishes.
In the evening it was just us, which was nice. Matt was able to just enjoy some quiet time with the kids.
(Notice Matt’s new shirt: It says “Daddy’s Brewing Buddies” with pictures of the kids from the header at the top of my blog. I did that through’s Custom Design)

Tuesday, June 12

Six Month Preemie Assessment

Today we took Henry, James and Elanor to AMC – Behavioral/Developmental Pediatrics for their preemie assessment. Basically it’s to “assess” how they’re doing developmentally, whether they’re on track, lagging, or ahead and to see whether they need any special treatment (i.e. physical therapy etc).

The babies got weighed in and measured.
Ellie was 26.5” long and 14.1lbs, her head was 16” (I think)
James was 27” long and 17.35lbs, head was 16.5” (I think)
Henry was 26.75” long an  18.65lbs, head was 17.5” (I think)

All in all it was a really good visit. They usually will judge them on their corrected age (the age they would be now if they had been born full term), but they were all beyond that. For most things they were in line with their actual age (5.5 months), or only just under that.

The doctor was very impressed with how they were doing and had absolutely no concerns. She invited us to come back in 6 months (which is the standard) if we wanted to, or just call if we had questions.

I did ask her about the shape of Henry and Ellie’s heads, since they’re really rather badly mis-shaped. She didn’t think it was anything severe enough to warrant a helmet. It was moderate, but with 6-7 months of good head growth still to come and since they are sitting up right in toys and on their tummies {meaning less time on their backs and heads} she seemed to think they will correct themselves, BUT if we don’t see any more improvement in the next couple of months then we can get the name of the neuro-Dr who deals with them.

I asked our pediatrician about the helmets and he gave me such a perfunctory response, that I wasn’t really too calmed by him, but hearing it from the specialist I’ll take it. That and she said that she’s rather a head-Nazi. She has twins herself and is very particular about the shape of babies heads, because it can have lasting impact….even only cosmetically.

So the word is that they’re all doing REALLY well and we have nothing to worry about with them. YAY! and THANK YOU LORD!

Thursday, June 7

One Year Ago Today

We had our first ultrasound, at 5.5 weeks, to find out just how many babies scan0035security alteredwere cooking.

I think back on that day and laugh. I was in denial more than anything. I knew going in to the appointment that there was no way it was one, and was hoping it would ONLY be two. HAHAHAHA!

Then the next day, reality hit me and I had my major freak-out-crying-session. Knowing the very real possibility of a very hard and dangerous pregnancy, of not knowing how we were going to handle, let alone, afford 4 kids 2 and under, of worrying about how it was going to affect Ave…and a million other things that were hitting me at once.

Going back and reading all of my posts from the first few weeks of finding out we were having triplets is a bit funny: Of course, in hind-sight, most things are funny.

God knew what he was doing…He always does, even if we are wondering ourselves.

All of my fears and worries were unfounded. I spent two days in the hospital, even if the babies were in the NICU for a few weeks. I didn’t have to worry about weeks or months away from home. I didn’t have to worry about babies being born way too early.

Life has continued on, and while it is sometimes crazy (or more truthfully, INSANE) I wouldn’t change it for anything.

As for the struggles. In a few years we’ll barely remember these, because they’ll be replaced with new ones.

As for Ave. She’ll never remember what life was like without her brothers and sister. Every memory the four of them will share.

“Cast all your anxieties on Him, for he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


Tuesday, May 29

Marked as Christ’s Own

This past Sunday Henry, James, and Elanor were baptized, which was a fitting day, since it was Whit Sunday. Our pastor had a fantastic sermon about Whit Sunday and the importance of it as a day of baptism {which we had not at all planned that way}, but I was trying to keep the 2 year old quiet and was failing…miserably.
Because of the holiday it worked out really well; we practically had a private service/baptism and family that was a bit of a distance came because of the Monday off.
The weather ended up being beautiful! We had put a tent up in the backyard in case of rain, but the shade was certainly good too. It was sunny and warm, but not hot {like it is today…miserable!}.

Here’s the video of the baptism, it’s only about 11 minutes.
Yesterday, despite the 85*+ of my dining room I decided to do a photo shoot with the babies in their Christening garb. Elanor wore my Christening gown (also worn by my sister and Avelyn), and my mother-in-law made the boys suits {I was not going to shell out $60 each for the boys to have clothes…not happening!}


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Here's the LINK to all the pictures that my uncle took

Tuesday, May 22

5 Months Old

It doesn’t feel like it’s been 5 months. It goes too fast.

The kids are all doing well and getting big.

* AKA: Hank the Tank, Henery Penery, Hanky Panky, Hen, Henry, Boomer, Boom-Boom
*Weighing in at 17.5lbs
*Very quickly outgrowing 1 piecers that are 6 months
*Rolled over twice last week, hasn’t done it since, and haven’t gotten it on film
*Probably could wear size 3 diapers (but we cloth diaper, except on occasion)
*Has serious cankles and thunder thighs
*Pretty much always finishes a bottle

*AKA: Jamesie, Jamie, Jamesie Wamsie, Jammer Bammer, James, Jammer, Jims, Bammer, Bam-Bam
*Weighing in at 16.5lbs
*Hasn’t rolled over yet but is so very close
*Probably could wear size 3 diapers
*Eats almost the whole bottle at every feeding
*He is such an easy going and even keeled kid. He’s definitely the most calm of them.
*He is constantly smiling and laughing. If he’s crying there’s something wrong.

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*AKA: Ellie, Ellie Bellie, Bells, Bell, Bellie, Ellie Sue, Peanut
*Weighing in at 12.5lbs
*Still fitting into 3 month clothes and size 1 disposables
*Sucks her fingers {almost} exactly the same way Mommy did as a baby and {ehhm} little girl (I finally stopped when I was 14 or 15, but I never needed braces :-D)
*Still fights us with her bottles, sometimes she plows through it, other times we’re happy if she takes a couple of ounces
*She has the MOST INCREDIBLE blue eyes. Seriously. We thought Ave’s were impressive, but Ellie’s are like sapphires.
*She is such a talker and giggle baby (she did not want to smile for the camera though)…she’s always cooing and laughing.

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For all of them:Most nights we have our last bottle while Ave is in the shower/bath and then everyone is in bed between 7:45 and 8:30 (Ave is down first). The majority of nights they sleep until between 2:30 and 4:00am when they wake up, take a bottle and go back down…sometimes until 6:15 am (Henry likes to wake up then) or until 9am (James’ preferred wake up time).

We haven’t tried letting any of them go all night. We don’t want to be up with one and then an hour later someone else is looking. We probably could get away with trying to let James sleep through the night. I think he would.

During the day they sleep on and off…usually taking 2 or 3 naps ranging from a few hours (in the morning) to an hour or so in the afternoon evening.
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Can you tell who’s who (between the boys)?
