Friday, June 8

Why it took me more than 3 months to finish an 850 page book…


Why the iPad is truly a terrible invention

Back in the day, yes before children, I used to read a TON of books…probably between 75 and a 100 a year, of varying lengths. Even during Ave’s first year I managed to read, or rather re-read, a decent amount of books. Then last spring I really wanted this certain little gadget…and iPad. What a wonder!

You see, once I had that nifty little gadget I no longer would spend my evenings in bed reading. Oh I spent them in bed, but I spent them wasting time browsing online…and online that really doesn’t change that much, despite pinterest/facebook/blog/twitter updates. You see, it was just so easy with the iPad. There was no bulky laptop to balance on my stomach, there was no needing to plug it in…it was just so simple.


It was really simple to forget about reading books too.

I would look at the clock and think, “Oh there’s no point in reading for 10-15 minutes. I’ll just check a few things online.” Next thing I knew I had wasted an hour…an hour that would’ve been better spent reading.
So, what did I do about it? How did I finally manage to finish the aforementioned book {Inheritance by Christopher Paolini}?

I put the iPad away. That’s right. It sat in my nightstand draw…waiting for Avie in the mornings that she woke up way too early.

For the past 2 weeks the iPad hasn’t taken up much of my time. I’ve been focusing on finishing a book, so that I could continue on to several more books.

You know what?

As much as I love my iPad, I don’t miss it.

I might even get a few more books read.

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