No sign of my coworker on here lately. I was hoping she would at least read my last post. As of right now I'm not planning on changing my blog. If I see that she's coming back frequently I may do something.
On another tangent: I'm fat. My scale hates me more than it ever has in MY LIFE! The summer before we were married I weighed 165 (I'm 5'5"). When we got married I weighed 155. Two and a half years later: I weigh ALL TIME HIGH for me. Last summer I tried First Place (Christian weightloss) and went from 184 to 175. In January I was back up to 184. I went to the gym 5 days a week (40-60 minutes) and was eating really healthy, I lost two pounds.
I've since gained that plus 5 back. I just found out from our Doctor's office that they're holding a free seminar about medifast. Being that I don't lose very much weight when I try hard for several months. I'm thinking of giving it a shot. Especially since I'll be doing all the drug protocol for our IUI in August. I'd really rather not start at 190 for that. Plus I feel that I have a better shot of things working if I'm at a healthy weight. My goal is to get down to at least 155.
I need to email our RE. Over the course of trying I've noticed that I ovulate later and later: Not sure why. The doctors don't see anything in my tests/workup to suggest it's an issue. I kind of think that it may be from being overweight. I just feel like my weight is becoming such a heavy burden (pun intended). I hate how I feel, that my boobs hit my stomach when I sit, that my arms don't rest at my sides because of my fat. I just feel disgusting. I also hate that with our IF I'd be worried that my weight could affect the success/failure of our having kids.
I know these things (meal/diet plans) are fickle and that one doesn't always lose weight or if one does, they may gain it back. I do plan on getting back to the gym in addition. I'm hoping that Medifast diet will get me jump started, energy etc. Wish me luck!

OH! We also worked on our bookcase this past weekend. I'm hoping to get the whole thing sanded and possibly stained this coming weekend (all while having a garage sale). Here it is so far: 
Congrats on the new car! Sounds like a great deal.
I think a lot of us are struggling with weight issues...and everything you said really resonates with me.
Kym posted about this today and pointed out what looks like a good resource...I'll probably try it out after we get back from our trip (no dieting on vacation for me!)
darn, it looks like the whole URL didn't come through - well, you can find it from her main blog page link -
A lot of my NCLM comments are goofy, too. I don't always know what to say or have enough time to adequately form the words.
Congrats on the car, good luck with the weight loss plan.
I found your blog through another blogger from the nest. You posted a comment that intrigued me so I checked out your blog. Anyway, I wanted to comment on your weight issue. I am sure considering your current situation you have checked everything but have you been checked for PCOS? I was diagnosed with that over a year ago and had the same weight issues. No matter how hard I tried a hardly lost any or gained it right back. Turns out my PCOS not me was to blame. Furthermore, my weight (not just the PCOS) did impact ability to conceive. With a nutritionist specializing in PCOS I conceived after losing 30 lbs and going on Metformin. WAHOO! I am now 6 months pg! Best of luck to you.
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