Showing posts with label Miss A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miss A. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1

I have a 2 1/2 year old...

Today Avelyn is 2 1/2 years up, turning 3! I'm not ready for a 3 year old, then it's going to be 4, then 5, then moving out :'(

I decided to put together a little post today to keep track of all her 2 1/2 year old achievements.

*Wearing 2T or 3T clothes, depending on the brand.
*Weighing in at 31lbs and measuring 36.5" tall
*For the most part she sleeps through the night, unless she has a bad dream or a cold or something...even if she is up at 6.30 or so...yuck!
*Yea, we do, on occasion, have to deal with bad dreams

*Still have the George (pacifier), but only in bed.
*She peed on the potty once...that was it. She's sat on the potty a few times and tried, but really has absolutely no interest in using the toilet.
*She absolutely loves being outside....if she could live there, she would, especially on the slide.
*She's wearing size 9 shoes.
*Our bum genius 3.0 one size diapers still fit
*Ave now says Grace for us at meal time
*Forget about complete sentences, this kid could probably narrate a full-length novel now

*She seems to have discovered "imaginary friends" in the past week or so
*Can count to 10, and sometimes higher; can recite the alphabet
*Sometimes can pick out letters
*Knows her basic shapes, but draws a blank on colors
*Her hair is half-way down her back, and is the color of spun actually glistens in spots..amazing
*She can get some of her shoes on herself, socks are another story, but she can certainly strip down naked faster than anyone I know
*Puts her clothes in the hamper

I'm going to keep adding to this list as I think of things :-)

Thursday, April 26

The Turn-Around

This post can be found on my new site, Click HERE.

Thursday, March 22

3 Months Old

We're a quarter of the way through the first year :-(
{just a reminder, it's only 9 months until Christmas now ;-)}

They're starting to be so much fun, smiling now and chuckling at things. No one has started actually laughing yet, but I can't imagine it will be too far off. All three are doing really well with holding up their heads, even Ellie is now getting into it. The boys are pretty consistently taking 4-5ounces at each feeding; Ellie is doing around 3-4...sometimes less, sometimes more.

We had our first stroller adventure. My mom and I walked to the playground at the elementary school with Ave. It was nice to be out: We did get some looks from people and a couple of nosey-nellies that came to gawk (but tried to be covert in what they were doing).

I think James is going to be crawling soon: During tummy time those legs don't stop moving! He's actually managed to move himself a couple of inches forward. Henry just puts his head down during tummy time and goes to sleep, so does Ellie.

Henry is weighing in at 12lbs.

James is weighing in at 11.8lbs.

Ellie is weighing in at 9lbs 13.1ounces.

Henry is wearing a football jersey because he's my little line-backer, James is in a rugby jersey because he's my rugby/soccer player, and Ellie is just Ellie our little peanut (I woke her up to take the pictures, thus why she looks a bit out of it).

All my kiddos!

Thursday, February 16

Three Years and Four Kids

Three years ago today I received a phone call that forever changed my life, one that I never thought I would get. My usually not-so-friendly nurse at our doctor's office called and was beyond happy and excited, she told me that I was pregnant: I had been getting negative pregnancy tests for 3 days and had stopped testing.

If you had told me then that three years later we would have four beautiful children I would never have believed you. As it was, you could have knocked me over with a feather that day.

Thank you  Lord for these 4 precious little ones!

Tuesday, November 1

Avelyn's TWO!

She's two, TWO! I'm really rather sad about this, but then she had a two-year old moment and I thought "oh brother!" I can't believe she's two...there's no more baby at all, there is just this little girl who is very independent and knows exactly what she wants.

There are two big things she's been doing the past few weeks: She can count from 1 - 10 (but she doesn't like 3 and 4, just skips right from 2 to 5), and has started saying some of her A B Cs. It's crazy! Part of me thinks, "Wow, isn't that something that they start around 4 or so". I guess she's around letters and numbers so often that she is just picking them up, the same way she picks up the bad habits of other little kids (and adults). Oh, and she sings....oh my goodness is that priceless!

Well before I start sobbing all over the keyboard, I'll just post some pictures from her birthday. Matt was able to come home for a few minutes in the afternoon so that we could give her her presents and let her have a cupcake.

Click HERE if you want to see all of the pictures from Avelyn's Second Birthday!

Monday, October 31

Happy Halloween!

(I'm still trying to get a good picture of Ave in her costume, but it hasn't happened yet).

In the morning we got up and had our breakfast, then set straight to work on our pumpkins. I can't believe we didn't get to them until the MORNING of HALLOWEEN! Ave was busy painting her pumpkin while I carved the jack-o-lantern.

Matt got home early enough that we ate supper, dressed little miss in her lady bug costume, and headed out the door. We only went to a few people's houses (all of which we knew). We've been talking about trick or treating and Halloween a little bit here and there, but she honestly wanted nothing to do with it after the first house (we only went to 4).

Our last stop was friends of our's who have a daughter 8.5 months older than Ave, we stayed there the longest. The two of them just ran around playing for an hour, neither caring about anything to do with Halloween.

The kid refused to wear her wings...absolutely would not even look at them without sobbing and whining! Fortunately I had found that cute hat at Ik.ea a few weeks ago and she would wear that. We got home around 8, it was straight in the tub and up to bed! Next year's Halloween should be interesting....I already have an idea brewing ;-)
