Tuesday, November 1

Avelyn's TWO!

She's two, TWO! I'm really rather sad about this, but then she had a two-year old moment and I thought "oh brother!" I can't believe she's two...there's no more baby at all, there is just this little girl who is very independent and knows exactly what she wants.

There are two big things she's been doing the past few weeks: She can count from 1 - 10 (but she doesn't like 3 and 4, just skips right from 2 to 5), and has started saying some of her A B Cs. It's crazy! Part of me thinks, "Wow, isn't that something that they start around 4 or so". I guess she's around letters and numbers so often that she is just picking them up, the same way she picks up the bad habits of other little kids (and adults). Oh, and she sings....oh my goodness is that priceless!

Well before I start sobbing all over the keyboard, I'll just post some pictures from her birthday. Matt was able to come home for a few minutes in the afternoon so that we could give her her presents and let her have a cupcake.

Click HERE if you want to see all of the pictures from Avelyn's Second Birthday!


Life Happens said...

She is precious. Happy birthday Avelyn!!

Anonymous said...

such a lovely family pic!

can't wait to see pics of your family when it'll double in size overnight!!!
