Saturday, August 27

Random and Advice Wanted

*On Wednesday, while driving home from Alb, Matt told me he's decided what his life goal is. I sat, expectantly, awaiting something profound: "My life goal is to raise children". Totally floored me. Certainly profound, but nothing like I was expecting, and definitely a good thing to hear.

*Tomorrow is Matt's first day off since July 16th. He went to bed at 7:30 tonight, after I told him he needed sleep more than anything.

*I promise a fair-post is still coming. I just seriously have not had time to sit down; I've been trying to get our house back in order and deal with the aftermath of fair.

*I've been reading the book "Large Family Logistics", and while it has some really great information, I'm quickly realizing that not a lot of it pertains to our family. Particularly when it comes to teaching your children to help around the house: Somehow I just don't think 4 kids 2 and under are going to be helping around the house any time in the next 3 years.

*The freak show has begun. I posted on facebook yesterday about being pregnant with triplets. If you're FB friends with me, you know I have a really limited number of friends, I don't approve just anyone's request. Somehow it's almost entirely around town all ready.

3 people, who we are not even remotely friendly with, came into the store today to ask Matt if it was true that we were having triplets. These are people who have NEVER been in our store before, and didn't buy anything when they did come in. I told Matt we should put a sign up "If you're here to ask questions about our children there is a minimum $25 purchase to answer 1 question: Prices increase accordingly".

*We're hoping to start looking at cars soon. We found out that a dealership (used cars) that we've purchased from in the past (my whole family has gotten several cars from them) is having a promo financing deal, 2.65% to eligible people through October, and they're willing to look for the car you want. I think we're leaning toward the Town and Country, we're probably going to be able to get more car for our money.


sadie607 said...

I'm so glad matt got a day off finally. Poor guy I feel tired for him.

And ah, the joys of small towns (somehow I missed your facebook announcement though I'll have to go look).

As far as your friend situation. That totally sucks. At this point I would probably ignore it and see if anything improves. If not then I would address it. If she's truly been a friend for so long one would hope she would be receptive to a conversation like that.

Amanda said...

I had a friend like that. She was my maid of honor (and she was a horrible MOH) and then she got married the other month and didn't even invite me. I tried to tell I was really hurt by that but she was just being so rude about everything and it was causing me so much distress that she would do that to me that I finally just unfriended her from facebook (and I have never unfriended anyone but seeing her status updates all the time just added to my mental anguish) and decided that maybe our paths will meet again, but I wasn't going to waste anymore mental energy on her.

My advice is that you have plenty of other things to spend your time on and I wouldn't worry about her or inconsideration. I think marriage/weddings cause a lot of girls to just stop paying attention to their friends. You could tell her your worried about the direction your friendship is headed and address it head on or you could just let it all slide and stop putting all the time and energy into a relationship that she is obviously taking for granted. But you seem really worried about this and she probably hasn't given it a passing thought so stop worrying about it and get it out there or put her in the same position on your priority list that you are on hers. That probably isn't too helpful but there just isn't much you can do about people like that.

Ordinary Girl said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! Sorry that it took me so long to get back to yours, but I'm really glad I came. Congratulations on your little one and your triplets! What an amazing blessing! My advice about your friend, for whatever it's worth, is just to do what feels right to you. You've known this person for a long time and know whether calling her out will accomplish what it is that you hope for, or if it's just going to add more hurt and frustration for you. I've said goodbye to some long time friendships in the last few years because it just didn't feel like they were worth it anymore. Such an incredibly hard thing to do. I hope you find the answers and resolution that you're looking for.

Anonymous said...

Godmother or done with her. It's obvious who is #1 in her life- herself. You have put forth the effort - driving across states with a toddler with being pregnant. for what? ugh. so annoying. hope you can walk away from it unbattered.
MIL - whatever! Some days I am glad I don't have one.
