Thursday, August 4

21 months

*You are now identifying some shapes and letters, as well as colors, correctly
*You finished your PACA level of swimming lessons for the summer (with flying colors)
*You had your first visit to the ocean and loved it
*You are talking up a storm and are so absolutely funny with some of the things you say
*If you burp or toot you are sure to say " 'guse me" and "I sorry"
*Of course you also announce and claim any toots that happen in your vicinity with a heart "I toot!"
*You walk up to us now and say "Sugar mommy/daddy" and want a hug (all started with my telling her one day "Gimme some sugar sweetie!"
*You LOVE, LOVE hugs
*You are so interested in books and coloring, and coloring in books, particularly those which shouldn't be colored in

I'm sure this is loads more that I am forgetting :-)

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