Monday, July 25

“Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.” Bob Marley

We did not stop moving ALL WEEKEND LONG!

Thursday evening we celebrated my first 29th birthday (yes, next year is the big 3-0!): I really don't have any issues with turning 30 and quite frankly I think I'll be too busy next summer to even realize that I have a birthday.

(This is something that ONLY a child's MOTHER can do! I think more of it was on her face than in her mouth.)

On Friday my Uncle W and his family came up for a visit and, I think, a good time was had by least I know a good time was had by my youngest cousin, Miss S. She and Avelyn absolutely adored each other all weekend: There were a few tears shed this morning when the car was getting packed up.

Friday night we had dinner at the store since it was just too hot to go and eat dinner in somebody's house (it was 92* in my house, and (98* outside). Afterward we planned on going to the pool, but they were closed at 6pm; I guess no one wanted to stay and life guard. Ave and I then followed the troop up to Oma and Opa's (my parents). Ave, my mom, and I went in the pond: The water was so warm that it wasn't even too refreshing!

Saturday morning we got up early and headed over to Grammy's (Matt's grandma) to pick some blueberries. They are particularly early this year, usually there isn't any ripe until the week of Morris Fair (the first week in August). We picked quite a bit, Matt is hoping to make some blueberry wine, and with how many green berries were still on the bushes I'd say he'll have no problems with finding enough.

In the afternoon we met up with Oma, my Uncle W, Aunt L, M and S to go swimming: Fortunately the pool was open and surprisingly it wasn't that crowded. Ave and S splashed around in the kiddie pool for a while, before the big people were just too hot sitting there in only a 1' of water...then it was the big pool. Ave is doing so well with swimming....she's got everything moving the way it should, but she sinks...she loves it though!

Yesterday was a bit more low-key. In the morning Ave went down for a nap at 9:45! I got her out of the bath after breakfast and she looked at me and then Matt and said "Nigh, nigh Daddy". I'd say the little girl was a bit tuckered out from our festivities! I did some stuff around the house and Matt worked outside. Once she woke up we headed to my parents for a BBQ.

(Ave helping daddy harvest fallen apples and build a trellis for the grapes:
We actually have a few grapes this year....a first!)

It was great spending the evening with family and friends we don't see too often! All the food that everyone brought was delicious and it was a blast to watch Ave and our friend's daughter run around together, with my cousin, S, not far behind them :-)

It was a great weekend...of course it was jam-packed and now we're trying to recuperate before Ave and I head to Maine on Thursday for a friend's wedding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how was your nuchal scan?
