Tuesday, July 5

Doctors Appointments: Otherwise known as dealing with administrative incompetence

I had called our OB/MFM and scheduled an appt for July 12 at 1:15. A couple days later (last week) someone called me and canceled that appt and gave me 2 more: one on the 7th in the morning for an u/s and another on the 26th for the doctor.

All weekend I kept thinking about it and it was bugging me that I wouldn't be seeing a doctor until the end of July...I'd be out of my first trimester by then! I called this morning, and finally seemed to speak to someone with 1/2 a brain. My appt on the 7th is my first OB appt with an ultrasound, I have another appt on the 8th for an ultrasound, and then the 26th is my first appt with the MFM.

Wait? What?! I have an appt on the 8th t00? Yup. The receptionist explained to me what it was for, but I honestly can't remember...it was something important sounding though. I now have TWO trips to Albany this week. It's a good thing medical mileage is tax deductible, because BOY am I going to have a lot of it! I am going to ask if I hang around can I get in for the other appt too.

~*~ETA UPDATE 7/6/11~*~
I got another phone call from the OB's office: My appt has been changed from 10am to 9:30am. Ok. I asked if there was any way that my appt on Friday could be done on Thursday, even if it was much later in the day: "You don't have an appt on Friday".

I told her I just spoke with someone yesterday and they said I had one Thursday, and another Friday. The appt on Friday, July 8th, was 2009. That's right, the person I talked to yesterday, told me about an appt from 2 years ago. I'm really glad I found that one out BEFORE driving to Albany AGAIN!

I'm quickly losing faith in this OB offices administrative abilities....this is ridiculous. I think I'm going to have to start taking names and keeping track of stuff better.

1 comment:

sadie607 said...

Oh my lord that's ridiculous Jess.
