First off I thought I was lost driving to my appt: I had to drive through a really bad looking neighborhood once I got off the highway to get to downtown. Once I finally got to the Valet Parking for the office, there was no one there to take my keys. Of course at this point it's almost 9:30 and my first appt is then. I drive around looking for any parking spot and find a lot, end up driving in through the exit, then realized it was the valet lot. I left the car there, found a valet guy at that point and told him I was confused, but here are my keys and there is my car.
Then I couldn't figure out how to get into the ding-dang building! It's on the second floor above a CVS and a bank. I'm walking around, I ask in CVS and they tell me go out those doors it's on the right. I do and end up opening an alarmed door to a storage room (I thought it was a stairwell). Then I find the elevator and go up. FINALLY! I'm there!
I check in, an admin person calls me back, has me fill out insurance stuff and hands me a paper for my ultrasound. I go back to the waiting room (mind you it's now 9:40 and I haven't peed since 7:15 when I left home). I know they're going to need a urine sample and figure it shouldn't be long. At 10:15 I ask the receptionist how much longer before my appt, since I had to go to the little girls' room. She's leaning back in her chair and looks like she's playing on the computer and after a couple of seconds responds "Oh they'll be with you in a few minutes". So I decide to go to the bathroom.
I sit there about another 5 minutes after my toilet run and another receptionist calls me name, we'll call her A. She asks me if I have any paperwork, I show her the one piece of paper, and she goes "Oh, no, you should have a lot more than that" and hands me like 4 more sheets. At this point I'm thinking something is wrong.
A asks me "how long have you been waiting?"
Me-"I've been here since 9:40"
A-"No one has been out to get you?"
A-"Please come with me"
The person who checked me in, only checked me in for my ultrasound, and never checked me in for my nurse consult or my initial OB exam-visit.
At this point it's 10:30, A is apologizing to me PROFUSELY for the delay. She hands me off to the U/S tech is also apologizing over and over again. Another person (a nurse/doctor?) who is also apologizing and say this is an outrage that I've been kept waiting this long, that someone up front screwed up, this is totally unacceptable. All of them were beyond upset that I had been kept waiting.

The U/S tech did a great job (loved her! We'll call her M): She was congratulating me on triplets, telling me how her friend just had triplets a while ago, and had a daughter a couple of years older (her trips were 2 boys and a girl ;-). She spent a lot of time looking at everything. The babies all have their own placenta, good thick linings between them, all are measuring at least 3 days ahead. She even gave me a 3-d U/S, which I've never had before (Picture Right: I circled where there heads are, if you look closely you can see their little arms and legs).
At this point A and M are personally handling my appointments and anything to do with me. A and M leave and a doctor comes in, he sits down and immediately starts talking selective reduction with me. I told him we would not be doing that. Then he got visibly annoyed with me, because I was not even interested in it. He spent 30 seconds doing an U/S, then said "Everything appears good" and walked out of the room (Matt was livid about this when I told him last night). He did come back in with M and started harping on about my being a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis, and was I aware of this, has my (actually never said husband/partner anything) been tested. I told him I was aware of it, so there is no issue. Then he stormed away again. Maybe he was having a bad day.
I couldn't even believe that the doctor was seriously pissed that I wasn't going to do it. I understand it's protocol to discuss it, but for him to be annoyed with me and so curt when I said we were not considering it....sheesh! Fortunately he isn't one of the high-risk OBs, and I'll probably never see him again....I hope.
After that everything went smoothly. I did like the OB I saw. I think I'm getting old, because I don't think she was much older than I am lol All in all, me and the babies look good, and no one had any concerns as to my being able to carry this pregnancy for a good long while: YAY!
It was a long day though...3.5 hours at the doctors office. It should never have taken that long, but it's all done and all good. I now have a personal admin person, A and whenever I need to talk to someone about appointments she's the one. The NT scan is scheduled for July 25, and unfortunately our consult with the high risk OB is the! (and I leave for Maine on the 28th....too much car time!) A tried to get me another appt time for the NT, but there was nothing available. It is, what it is.
When I was checking out the person who had checked me in, and several other admins were being talked to by the office manager, because they had not followed procedure and never even signed off on my check in sheet (and a whole bunch of other stuff). She kept glaring at me the whole time I was with A, like I had done something wrong. Oh well.
I liked all the nurses/doctors/techs I saw, with the exception of grumpy-pants, so I think we'll be ok going there :-) Of course a new fear has cropped up in my mind, which I'll discuss with the MFM...If I go 36 weeks, are they going to plan a c-section or are they going to let me just go into labor (or at any other time during this pregnancy) concern being I was only in labor with Ave for 6 hours, before she was born. I don't know if I'd be able to get to Albany in time if I was in labor (obviously any signs of preterm labor are going to be heavily monitored for me).
I'm not sure how I feel about delivering 3 babies vagina.lly. I know I could do it, but I just worry about the risks. I'm sure though that I'll end up with a c-section because who knows how these babies are going to be lying.
10 weeks
Size of Baby: They are the size of a kumquat (whatever that is)
Maternity Clothes: I did just have Matt pull out my box of clothes from the atiic, but I am wearing shorts and t-shirts that I bought last year that were way too big...they're fitting quite nicely.
Weight Gain: I'm down 5lbs....not surprising, but am holding steady
Stretch Marks: No new ones
Sleep: I love sleep....I usually take an hour nap in the afternoon when Miss A is down, and we're in bed most nights by 9:30 and I'm up with Ave whenever she gets up (anywhere between 6:30 and 8:30)
Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see our babies yesterday
Movement: Nope
Symptoms: For the most part I feel ok: Definitely tired, sometimes my stomach feels blah and I don't want to eat, dinner doesn't always go down too easy.
Food Cravings: Ice water
Gender: My guess: 2 boys and a girl (the girl because Ave was a late implanter and scientifically I think that smaller one was a later ovulation, which is why it was behind). Matt says 3 girls (I think that's his worst case scenario, not that it's a bad thing).
What I Miss: Not feeling like I have to pee....CONSTANTLY!
What I'm Looking Forward to: These babies cooking for a good long while!
Weekly Wisdom: Keep my tummy full of food.
Milestones: Done with my baby aspirin! Only 2 more weeks of progesterone...YAY!
Emotions: A bit more balanced....which isn't saying much for me.
Measurements: Pre-pregnancy: waist 38", hips 46"
This week: waist 42", hips 46" (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
This week: waist 42", hips 46" (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
I'm livid that dr talked to you like that too. I mean, it's *only* triplets. You're not trying to out due octomom or anything. You are young and healthy and you had a good previous pregnancy, where does he get off...! If it were me, I'd strongly consider writing a complaint to the manager of the clinic that you were treated so rudely and insensitively on such a sensitive topic.
But I'm glad the babies are doing well! And all measuring ahead too!
I'd don't know anything about triplet pregnancy, but I'd be shocked if they didn't make you schedule a c-section. I know some docs will allow a vaginal birth for twins, but triplets is a lot to coordinate. They need to have the staff on hand to deliver them too, which is quite a bit more than normal. If you get to pick the day, try to see where 11/11/11 falls in relation to their gestation :)
Never mind, I looked. 11/11/11 is way too early. Scratch that. Maybe 1/2/12.
you made it to 10 weeks and NOW they're discussing selective reduction? after you've seen them, their feet and hands and heartbeats? seriously??? unbelievable.
The 3-D ultrasound is just amazing. What an incredible picture of all three.
Sorry the doctor you saw was kind of a jerk. Let's hope you never have to deal with him again.
I did't know that they offered selective reduction for three. That's surprising. And seriously, why did they wait until now? And what's with the attitude from the doctor? That's a pretty controversial topic. You'd think he'd be a little more sensitive.
Glad all is going well. That 3D u/s is crazy! I didn't know they could do them this early. I am learning so much with this pregnancy of yours!
I hope things go smoothly on all fronts in coming weeks.
What a cluster! Glad someone was there to take care of you!
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