Saturday, May 7

Of Flowers and Family

Friday I had my doctor's appt and everything is progressing nicely, although my cyst is still there and unfortunately I don't think it's gotten any smaller, but I was told to keep the meds status quo, until my appointment on Monday.

I did hit up the TulipFest before coming home. I've always wanted to go to that and it happened to be this weekend. It was great going on Friday, because the festival doesn't start until Saturday, so there were lots of flowers, but not a lot of people. Made it a lot easier to get pictures! The colors were absolutely brilliant and the smell was delicious: Of course, tulips are one of my favorite flowers!

Ave spent the day at Matt's parents' since his brother was up with his wife and daughter. From the sounds of it the 2 girls had an absolute blast running around with each other all day! The first thing C said when I was getting out of the car was "Avey Baby! Avey Baby!"
I guess neither of them napped too much, because they were too busy jumping in puddles and terrorizing the kitchen (yea, a whole box of cereal was dumped on the floor by my daughter). It is such a blessing that Ave has a cousin so close in age to her. I can't even imagine how cool that would be!

In the evening Matt and I went up to get Ave and had dinner with his family. It was so wonderful having everyone together! Matt spent quite a bit of time talking to his grandmother about our cycling again and all that is going on, and our concerns for the future.

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