Friday, May 6

Five Minute Friday: Motherhood Should Come With…

  1. Write your heart out for five minutes and show us what you’ve got.
  2. Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to play along.
  3. And most importantly, go visit, read, and encourage the fellow five-minuter who linked up right before you.
    {Pretty please turn off word verification for the day to make this easier!}

Motherhood should come with....

a lot less work to get there. It shouldn't take numerous shots in my tummy and visits to a doctor 2 hours away, it shouldn't take months and years of crying because I don't see a second line on that pregnancy test. It should come with ease and joy, not fear and worry that it won't ever happen and once it days that it could disappear at any moment.

Motherhood should come with....

a warning that you can never love someone else as much as you will love your children (whether they are from your body or your heart), that for the rest of your life your heart is, quite literally, going to be walking outside of your body. That the thought of anyone ever hurting your child is enough to make you want to lock them in a closet for their own safety.

Motherhood should come with....

the realization that there is absolutely no job on earth that is as important to do and as hard as being a mom and that there is absolutely no way to do it perfectly and a billion ways to completely screw it up. That even while we hold our children in our hands they are ultimately in God's hands.

1 comment:

The Farmer Files said...

"...there is absolutely no job on earth that is as important to do and as hard as being a mom..." So true. I tell my kids how much I LOVE being their mom. I could have heard this more growing up.
