Tuesday, May 31

Beta #2 and other updates

Just got my call from the RE....my beta is up to 2401, which they liked. They wanted to schedule my ultrasound for this Friday, but I have no one to watch Ave....absolutely no one.

I was hoping to get in next Saturday (which would be 6 weeks) since it's the next day that Matt has off, but they don't do any u/s appointments on Saturdays. Which leaves me in a quandary.....there's no day then that Matt can go with me for our first u/s. I went from being "yay!" for a good Beta to now wanting to sit here and cry, because Matt can't go. I'm really, really upset....and I know that's silly, but I could hear in his voice that he was disappointed too.

Matt is going with me....Tuesday at 1:30.

1 comment:

sadie607 said...

First Jess Yay on the amazing beta. It's so similar to mine with E & E. My second beta with them was 2561.

So yay!! I do hope amidst the crazy and stress of the family stuff that you and matt are finding time to celebrate!

Second, I am so so sorry for the continued stress that your family is putting on you and Matt. It's sometimes really sucks to be the responsible ones especially when it seems like no one appreciates it.
