Friday, March 11

One Thousand Gifts #51-75

51. Listening to Matt read to Ave
52. Customers that give you fantastic compliments on their dinners
53. Listening to rain on the tin roof of the porch
54. Having enough food in our house that I'm actually overweight (trying to see the bright-side here)
55. Thank you cards from special people
56. That our town hasn't flooded (yet)
57. That bears say "ach-ooo"
58. Totally random kisses
59. Finding old pictures of Matt and I
60. Tucking Avelyn in at night
61. Reading the Bible to Avelyn before nap/night
62. Actually WANTING to read the Bible
63. Mud....because it means spring is on the way
64. Washing machines...because it means I don't have to go down to the river and beat our clothes on stones
65. Baby monitors
66. Dogs that insist on curling up in your lap
67. BIG yoga balls
68. The library
69. New books to read to Ave
70. Her excitement at having new books to read
71. Having employees that you can trust to do a job
72. Employees who want the business to succeed as much as you do
73. Wash baskets.....they're great storage
74. Windows
75. Hair ties

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