Thursday, March 10

One Thousand Gifts #26-50

Go here to check out what I'm doing :-)

26. Avocados
27. Sunshine amidst the bleak winter
28. Rose-y red cheeks from being out in the cold
29. Hearing "Mommy"
30. Listening to conversations between Matt and our little girl
31. A shelf full of foods that is always full
32. A neighbor who plows our driveway for us and refuses payment
33. Listening to my daughter talk to herself in the morning over the monitor
34. For our home to be high enough up that we don't have to worry about flooding
35. Customers who come in regardless of the weather
36. A car repair bill that was less than we feared (Thank you LORD!)
37. Sweet potato fries
38. A little voice saying "avocado"
40. Bare ground (even if it is surrounded by ice and snow)
41. Chickens that didn't eat their own eggs today
42. Falling back to sleep for a few more hours after Matt leaves (at 5am)
43. Getting new netflixes
44. Finishing a mind-blowing book
45. A husband that is willing to deal with a screaming child that only wants mommy
46. Bananas with peanut butter
47. (from Matt) A loving and caring wife
48. Cars that run
49. A loving and supportive family
50. A roof over our heads


manymanymoons said...

These posts will be fun to go back and read in a few years I bet.

It's only 8:50 in the morning and now I want sweet potato fries!

Crossing My Fingers said...

Very cool idea!
