Monday, January 17

"When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snowangels".

It's been snowing around here....hasn't stopped for too long either. It seems like every few days another storm goes through that drops another couple of don't hear me complaining though :-)

This past weekend my uncle and his family came up from NJ to celebrate Christmas. Everyone seemed to have come down with something over Christmas and New Years so the festivities were postponed. We had a blast with my cousins, M & S!
Saturday night we did Christmas, then on Sunday everyone came over here to go SLEDDING! Oh what fun we had! It was Ave's first time out. I've taken her out a few times just to flounder around in the snow, but this time she got to really play. And I must say.....I know this kid is an adrenaline it was no surprise that she absolutely LOVED sledding. She even took a couple of runs by herself! Even Daddy, Oma and Opa, and Aunt Kate took a couple of runs down the hill with A!

After sledding we headed back to our house and my brother and his wife got here just in time for dinner. It was great getting to see everyone and spend time with our family that we don't get to see too often.

(If you click the bold links above, it will take you to all of the pictures from "Christmas" and our sledding trip).

1 comment:

daphne said...

I am hoping and praying that cycle #3 will be lucky like last time. BELIEVE IT WILL HAPPEN!

thinking of you.
