Saturday, December 11

13 Months...only a little late.

Does this count as being in the teens? Because some days I think Ave's practicing. Her new phrase: "Oh man"...and it's used in the right context... I'm not even sure where she got that from.

Here it is, 13 months

*You have 7 3/4 teeth: That 1 is not wanting to come all the way up, and there's no sign of the other 3 that were working last month.
*You're running...'nough said
*You're doing lots of things you're not supposed to
*You fell back down the steps (fortunately you only got up a couple)....she was sneaking around and managed to pry the door open
*You give Hi-Fives.
*You now say "dada", "mama", "do" (dog), "hi", "happy", and "puppy"
*You LOVE dogs....and are always saying "Hi do" every time you see one
*Definitely starting with the temper tantrums: If you don't get what you want, let the hysterical crying begin.
*You have absolutely no fear of anything (we'll see how Santa goes today)
*You fight sleep like nothing I've ever seen're always worried you'll miss something
*You're doing better at night now...back to only once a night being up, but I think we have a growth spurt coming soon

You're just an awesome, wonderful little girl, who no words could ever describe!

Look everyone! It's the incredible shrinking bunny!


manymanymoons said...

Ahh, what a big girl. The "oh man" thing cracked me up. :)

andrea said...

CUTE!! I love high fives - so fun.
