Thursday, September 2

We need prayers for Baby Ave

The past 2 days I've had the neighbor's daughters over to help me with cleaning the house. Yesterday (Wed) the youngest one was helping me out. Ave woke up from her nap and she asked me if she could change her diaper and get her dressed (she's 12/13) and I said yes. I was downstairs doing dishes and I thought to myself "I should tell her to make sure no to leave Ave on the changing table alone: I hope she doesn't fall off"....within seconds of his though I head a loud thump....ran upstairs and Ave had fallen off the changing table.

She was hysterical, the girl felt terrible. I looked her over and Ave seemed ok, just shaken up. I just held her and she stopped crying after a bit. I put her down on the floor and she crawled ok, she rolled over ok, she stood up ok and walked ok....but she would start crying.

I took her over to our store and told Matt, and he and MIL (she's an RN) looked at her and they thought she seemed ok too, but we decided to go to the doctor anyways. Got there in the afternoon and as soon as the doctor walked in Ave was crying, so it was hard for them to tell what was hurting her. We were sent home and just told to keep an eye on her to see if she was favoring anything.

All evening passed and she was fussy (she never got a nap in the afternoon). We ate dinner and she seemed ok, bath and bed...still ok. Now it's 3:30 am, and I've been up with her for an hour...she's just lying in her bed, eyes open, arms and legs straight out. When I pick her up she cries for a few seconds (was doing this all afternoon/evening too), but then she's ok.

She never just lays still like this....EVER! It actually is rather freaking me out....just lying there, eyes open...she is responsive and looks at me and reacts to light and movement etc. Needless to say first thing in the morning we're calling the doctor's office and going in for xrays and whatever else they need to do to rule out that anything is wrong.

She only just now closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. I feel so absolutely terrible. People give me a hard time about being so protective of Ave and one of the few times I let someone (who is entirely capable) step in she gets hurt. Honestly, I didn't think that the girl changing Ave was that big a deal. Now my poor judgment and neglect in telling someone something I thought they should know as common sense resulted in my daughter getting hurt. I feel beyond absolutely horrible about that.

I just pray that she is ok. That there is no lasting damage...that if something is broken that it's easily fixed and quickly healed and my baby girl is back to herself.


VA Blondie said...

That is scary! I hope she feels better soon.

Queenie. . . said...

Jess, it's not your fault. These things happen. My baby has a big ole bruise on her forehead from face planting on the coffee table. You keep them as safe as you can, but you can't keep them in a bubble.

Insist on getting some testing this morning. There is clearly something that is bothering her, and it may very well be a hairline fracture of something or other. Did she hit her head when she fell? I would want to get to the bottom of whether there is any head trauma, too, as it can set in over time. Don't be scared-just push for prudent testing. I hope it's nothing, and she rebounds quickly. Keep us posted!

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry. I feel so bad for her. I hope she just got shaken up by it and a little sore and it's really hurt. Poor thing. I hope she's better today.

Jendeis said...

I'm sorry, sweetie. Praying that everything turns out fine and that Ave makes a full and speedy recovery.

JJ said...

Poor little thing! Hope all is OK!

raisingmiles said...

Sounds like a weird situation. I hope she's back to her chipper self soon and you can figure out what's going on with her.

