Thursday, September 2

Ave has a broken clavicle.

Ave has a broken clavicle. will post more when we get home.

After this mornings post Ave woke up at 7am, again she didn't pull herself up to a sit or a stand in her crib and was just laying there kind of mopey on her tummy. I picked her up and she cried a bit, and brought her in bed with me and Matt we looked her over and definitely decided that there was something going on with that left arm. I called the Dr first thing and they had us come in.

We got there and they asked me a few questions...I answered them...telling them that she seemed to be favoring that arm and the whinging every time we picked her up or some how moved that arm. She would hold things in her hand, but wouldn't move them above shoulder height.

A was a trooper with the xrays didn't even phase her...of course they asked me "Is there any possibility that you're pregnant?" since I stayed with her. I immediately could see something on the screen when it popped up. They sent us back to the doctor's office and they confirmed that it was a broken left clavicle. There's nothing to be done for it, just make her comfortable, medicate if needed and let her be low key. She's doing what needs to be done (keeping it still and not using it).

If there is no improvement in a couple of weeks we go back, otherwise they're just going to check her at her 1 year appt in November. Rather uneventful and I kept my cool, and actually (surprisingly) haven't even cried one tear yet...that still may happen.

Prayfully she just has a quick recovery and heals completely. Thanks again for all the support, thoughts, and prayers!


Amanda said...

Oh, poor girl! I'm sorry, but I'm glad that they've found something.

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry! Poor little girl. (((hugs)))

Try not to beat yourself up. You didn't do this to her! Accidents happen.

I'm glad the doctors figured out what was wrong and that it wasn't a head injury. I hope she has a super speedy recovery.

annacyclopediaisworkingonit said...

Oh, Jess! I'm so sorry. You must feel pretty awful right now - wish I could give you a big hug. Ave and you and Matt are in my thoughts and prayers today.

Jendeis said...

Oy. I'm glad you guys went to the doctor and they were able to figure out what was wrong so quickly.

She's going to be fine and so will you. Big hugs!

Rebekah said...

I came over as soon as I saw your post on facebook. Please know that precious Ave is in my prayers. And know that this is not your fault. I agree with Amanda, accidents happen. They're made to bounce back quickly!! (((HUGS)))

raisingmiles said...

Oh big hugs and prayers for Miss Ave and Mommy too!

Janna said...

Poor Baby!!! And poor you! Don't beat yourself up over this. I think something like this happens with most parents, no matter how careful we are. Kuddos to you for seeing that something just wasn't right and taking her back in.

When I was trying to catch Chipmunk from falling off the table while I had turned to grab more wipes (I kept one hand on her), I dislocated her arm. I knew something was wrong b/c she wasn't using her left arm at all, so I took her in. I also made my friend go with me who was there when it happened b/c I just knew that the dr was going to grill me about abuse. Kids are super resiliant, and they heal so much faster than we do.

sadie607 said...

Poor baby. i hope she heals super quick and this is just small blip. (And I hate the "could you be pregnant questions")

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Oh, poor little girl and ppor parents! I'm glad she was diagnosed and hoping for a really fast recovery.

Photogrl said...

Sending lots of prayers for a quick recovery!

Big huge ((HUGS))
