Thursday, September 2

10 Months Old (A day late)

I don't quite know how to start this post, as I don't want to say all those cliches of "how is it 10 months?", "Our baby is almost a year old!", etc etc....but everyone is true. There is no baby anymore...there's a very independent little girl, who knows exactly what she wants. I'm excited to see who she's going to become, but I miss the baby she was. Everyday I'm just completely awed by some new thing she suddenly does or some little thing I notice.

*You have 2 3/4 teeth now. The top 2 broke through, but only one of them is actually the slightest bit visible without looking.
*You give the most absolute and bestest hugs! You've done this for a while, at bed time, but now you'll just climb in our lap and put your head on our shoulders and your arms around our neck and's heaven!
*You'll sit in our lap while we read a book to you...and actually pay attention to what we're reading.
*Your hair is just getting longer and longer, it's to your shoulder blades when it's wet
*You're standing on your own, but you get over excited and end up throwing yourself off balance.
*You've started far the most you've taken is 5 steps...but I don't think it will be long now.
*You've climbed the entire flight of stairs...just like a big girl (with mommy right behind you and daddy at the top).
*You growl at everyone and will get into growling matches with people.
*This weekend we're going on our first family "vacation" (just an overnight to Hersh.ey Park).
*You love playing with other kids and think it's tons of fun.
*"da-da" and you know who that is :)
*ETA: First broken bone...your left clavicle...yay! (*note sarcasm*)

Ave, it's hard to believe that in 2 months you're going to be 1...I won't lie...that makes me beyond sad, but you are such an amazing person, and becoming more wonderful and loving every day as your personality comes out and asserts its self. We love you!

(You can see that she's holding that left arm right down by her side and not moving it...that's the injured one).


sadie607 said...

She's so beautiful. How is it possible that she's already 10 months old?

Crossing My Fingers said...

Happy 10 months Baby Girl!

Delenn said...

Ten months already!?! Wow! She is beautiful! So sorry to hear about the broken bone. Hope she is feeling better--she is smiling there, so I would say that she is! :-)
