Saturday morning Matt, Avelyn, and I got up, packed the car and headed to Hershey, PA for an overnight camping trip. FIL's family (they're from MD) has been spending Labor Day weekend there for as long as Matt can remember. We bunked with BIL, PP and Niece for Saturday night in their deluxe cabin (ie. running water, toilet, AC, and kind of camping).
Of course the trip couldn't have been uneventful. On the drive down I managed to get a speeding ticket (my first E-V-E-R!) 15 minutes from Hershey. Matt and I were talking and going up a hill and I wasn't even paying attention to how fast I was going...let's say the cop was extremely generous by dropping me from the 10-20 over the speed limit, to the 10 over the speed limit. As luck would have it, that couldn't have been the last incident (no, I didn't get another ticket).
As we were turning at the intersection onto Hershey Park Dr....the person in front of me slammed on their brakes, I slowed down, but the person behind me didn't and rear-ended me. Yup. 10 minutes after a speeding ticket, I got rear ended. It was a younger girl, probably late for work. I just said "I can't deal with this", so Matt got out and handled it. Our car was fine, but her hood was dented and popped. We had already stopped when she hit us and she was maybe going 10 mph. It wasn't a big deal, but she probably had a few hundred dollars in damage. We just went on our way.
Fortunately that was the end of the excitement for us (and no we did NOT tell anybody about my ticket...there would be too much "I told you so", but in my defense I'm never more than 10-12 mph over the limit (pretty much going with traffic).
Anyways, we got there in time to have lunch. The kids (this place is an IF'er nightmare!) were running everywhere...Ave was content to be passed around. Matt, SIL, and I went to the outlets to go shopping, while Ave stayed with Grandma and took a nap.
We got some great deals on clothes for A, and some things for gifts for my cousin who is having a boy in November.,'s Place, and Car.ter's were all on sale, plus and additional 20-40% off your entire purchase. We didn't go crazy, but did get some things we needed (a snow suit for A), clothes for our NYC photo shoot, and some other necessary outfits (onesies and such).
After dinner we all headed to Chocolate World (a family tradition) to go on the ride and to get ice cream. We didn't go on the ride, because it was a 45 minute wait and it was already almost 7 (the kids' bed time was approaching), so we just went and got ice cream. Yes, we did give A her first taste of ice cream at 10 months old. She didn't know what to make of this cold, melty stuff in her mouth at first, but she liked it...we only gave her a few small bites and that was all (just plain vanilla,
After Chocolate World, grandma took A back to the campgrounds, where she spent the night with grandma and grandpa and SIL, so that mommy and daddy could go to the park. With our ticket we get a preview pass for the evening before....which fortunately is when the park is slower. We got our roller coaster fix in then.
Sunday morning we went up to the IL's camper....Ave had slept the entire night! (yea I can still count on 1 hand the times she's done that for me) Of course I was up on and off throughout the night because Niece (who's cabin we were in) had a bad night, but that was ok, because I didn't have to get out of bed and it kept me on schedule ;-)
Sunday after breakfast we went back to the park with the kids. Grandma sat with them while we hit the one roller coaster that was too long of a wait the night before. After that we took the kids on the ferris wheel (which they loved), grandma and grandpa took them to see a show while the mommys daddys and auntie all went on a couple more rides. Ave LOVED the show! MIL said she was bouncing up and down and clapping and laughing (it was a tap dance routine).
I managed to get stung by a wasp or something....which felt really great, but I was glad it wasn't one of the kids who got it. Then we took the girls on the carousel, which they loved too. Niece had a bit if a temper tantrum when it was over. Since we didn't get out old time picture done at the fair...we went and had one done at the park. It was twice as expensive, but we got 2 pictures (same costume, but a different pose).
We left the park around 1:30, but had to hit up the Chocolate World ride on the way out. This was my Precious Moments Monday....Matt has the original Chocolate World song memorized...the entire time we were in line for the ride Matt kept singing it to Ave...he was so excited to be taking her on this ride...then she slept through the whole 10 minute thing.
Our first family trip (and trip to Hershey) was a success, despite it's rocky beginnings.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend!
How sweet of Matt to sing to Ave...what a perfect moment.
That sounds like so much fun. I wish we would have made it to Hershey while we were over on that side of the country.
Are there more words than "It's the Milk Chocolate"? Yay Chocolate World!!
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