I took this picture 2 years ago, when my sister was in Once Upon a Mattress, and played Winifred. It was her greatest performance, one of those moments that I look back and smile at how awesome she was, at how talented she is. These were the flowers that I got her, just resting on the seat in the auditorium.
I guess this picture is one that I needed to see, because my sister is lost. Not in the physical sense, but in the sense of she has no idea what she's doing and no one has any idea how to reach her.
Remember that boyfriend that no one liked, but then my sister had the meltdown about how she wanted to do this the right way and it entirely backfired? Sister is still with this guy and it doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon...unfortunately.
It's becoming more and more obvious that he's bad news, and that he's replacing all of us in my sister's life. Her new threat is "when I'm 18...." She thinks that 18 is a magic number, that she can then do whatever she wants, regardless of it's effects. Her threat is, either let me do what I want or I'm moving out (and in with the boyfriend).
My mom is beside herself with worry and my father wants to "throw" the kid in a ditch. For the first time ever my sister has blatantly lied to me. On her graduation day I went to post on her facebook wall "congratulations", but her wall had disappeared. I asked her and she said she had no idea what happened. I kept trying to figure out what was wrong, then on the boards I saw a lot of people posting about blocking their MILs from seeing things on their facebook.
It kept bothering me and bothering me...then I realized that my sister is also friends with Matt on FB. I logged into his account and low and behold there is her wall. Then I found out about how to adjust settings. Silly girl uses my computer when she is here and saves all her passwords. I go and look and she has me, our brother, our SIL, her sister, the boyfriend's mom and brother all blocked from viewing her wall.
If some of you are FB friends with me you probably saw my post about loving when people think I'm stupid and I'm not going to figure things out...that I've played all the games before you....that was about my sister. I've asked her 1 or 2 other times about whether she figured out why I can't see her wall and I get told "I have no idea". So not only has she lied, but is perpetuating the lie.
She thinks she's so smart, but she doesn't seem to realize that Matt and his sister are FB friends of her's and she didn't block them. There's absolutely nothing on her wall that is something that would cause me concern, mostly lyrics.
It really hurts me though that she's lying to me. My mom was upset that she's lying to me. I saw her a week ago for a few minutes (of course with the boyfriend) and it just was entirely awkward...she didn't seem to know how to act around me or what to say. I don't know if she's suspicious about my knowing that I'm blocked or not. She hasn't been to see her niece in over a month, and never calls me or messages me about anything.
My fun, loving sister has been replaced by this girl that wants nothing to do with her family, the values she's been raised in (which is normal for a teen), and thinks that we're all terrible and controlling and that her boyfriend offers her the world.
We still all feel that the guy is bad news and from the looks and sounds of it this isn't going to be a flash in the pan relationship (fortunately my sister decries marriage as a failed institute and one she won't take part in - same for kids). It's hard, we all see this guy for what he is, we see the road my sister's heading down and yet there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it, because if we try she's gone and then we won't be able to have anything to do with her.
So if you're the praying type or at the very least the good-thoughts type...please send some her way....that this kid goes away and doesn't leave her life in a shambles, that she comes back to her senses and her family.
awww man, that sucks. I hope she straightens herself out soon. Sounds like ditching the guy would really help...
Oh, I'm so sorry you are dealing with this...
I've been there with my little sis, a couple of times. The only advice I can give you is to just keep trying to keep the lines of communication open. It took awhile, but when my sis was really in trouble, she finally admitted it, and came to me to help get her out of a horrible relationship.
I'll be keeping her and your family in my prayers...
Oh I'm sorry. It's so hard to see your loved ones making poor choices. I hope she someday figures out how blessed she is to have you care for her so much.
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