Avelyn is growing in to an amazing little person! She's so adventurous and crazy...I just know she'll be the one instigating whatever trouble she manages to get into. There is no making this girl do anything...she has a mind of her own.
*You're standing up in your crib
*You're pulling yourself up on whatever is nearby (couch, furniture, toys, people)
*You're slowly starting to cruise the furniture
*Still army crawling, but occasionally you'll get up on your hands and knees
*You're a natural at yoga: Downward facing dog anyone?
*You love making growling and screeching noises, and have been nicknamed Baby-Zilla
*You love boys (already!)...you just are entranced by the guys who work in our store
*Your face just lights up a room when you see someone you love...whether it's mommy or daddy, or Grandma or Grandpa, or Oma or Opa
*You've got a smile for anyone
*You love clicking your tongue and making smacking sounds with your mouth
We love you so very, very much Ave. We're so blessed to get to be your parents and watch you learn and grow first hand.

Ooh, she's so big now! What a little lady!
What a cutie pie! :)
Oh my goodness...what a cutie!!!!
Awwww, our LOs are almost exactly the same age. She is ADOREable!
Oh my goodness--what an adorable picture!
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