A is doing better. Her cold was never anything serious...more of a runny nose that flared up and aggravated her at night...you could hear how raspy her breathing was (and still is) when she was laying down. So she's had a lot of face time with her nasal aspirator...she's not liking that thing as much anymore, but it certainly helps get the gunk out. Someone mentioned as to whether it was allergies...and I'm not sure, because the snot is clear and very egg-whitey, not at all like it is when I have a cold. If she already has Spring allergies I feel for the kid (I have them).
Other things
The bathroom: It's not done...it's not going to be done. We're so close to having it all done, except for the shower...I think that's what's driving me the most nutty.I was seriously hoping we could at least have it painted and the floor down, so that the sink and toilet could be put in there, but I have my doubts that even that is going to happen.
Unless Matt somehow manages to get the taping and seaming done. I started it last Friday, but haven't gotten back in there since. I'm really hoping between tonight and tomorrow he can get it sanded down and touched up...because if he can do that...I can get it primed and painted before the end of the week.
I did get the vanity stained. I like it. We went with minwax Dark Walnut. I could have left the stain on a bit longer, but we'll live with it. It's virtually impossible to add more stain and make it darker...I've been trying, but it doesn't absorb as well into the wood because it already has stain on/in it. Now I just have to poly it and add the hardware and THAT will be done.
Saturday was another gorgeous day...albeit with some sadness. We butchered the chickens on Saturday night....I know PETA would have a field day. They were attacking each other and we had 8 hens and were getting no eggs....they were eating them all before anyone could get them. I was even standing out there and waiting for them to lay them or checking every 5 minutes...it didn't make a difference. So they're gone. We have chicks coming in a few weeks, but fortunately we won't have to have them in the house this time.
I spent the majority of Saturday doing laundry, cleaning the upstairs (company is coming this weekend), and A and I went to my parents' to color eggs (my mom has those pictures). I love how the house feels with things clean and the windows open!
We got up on Sunday and walked to church...it was THAT nice out! We put A in the stroller and away we went. It was so nice to be outside and enjoying the weather. I've taken A out a few times in the stroller, but this was the first time that Daddy was able to go with us. Church was nice...A behaved...a lot better than last Sunday (she blew raspberries at anyone who would look at her for the entire church service!).
After we got home A went down for a nap and Matt went out to muck the house and I stained the vanity (above). In the afternoon we headed up to my parents' for dinner, and then (2 hours later) to Matt's parents' for dinner.
I spent the majority of Saturday doing laundry, cleaning the upstairs (company is coming this weekend), and A and I went to my parents' to color eggs (my mom has those pictures). I love how the house feels with things clean and the windows open!
We got up on Sunday and walked to church...it was THAT nice out! We put A in the stroller and away we went. It was so nice to be outside and enjoying the weather. I've taken A out a few times in the stroller, but this was the first time that Daddy was able to go with us. Church was nice...A behaved...a lot better than last Sunday (she blew raspberries at anyone who would look at her for the entire church service!).
After we got home A went down for a nap and Matt went out to muck the house and I stained the vanity (above). In the afternoon we headed up to my parents' for dinner, and then (2 hours later) to Matt's parents' for dinner.

Here's more Easter Pictures.
I still have to do a 5 month post for A....sometime soon. The pictures I got were kind of ehh...the kid doesn't want to sit still!
What a cute family pic and beautifule little easter dress!!
I can't wait to see the finished results of the bathroom. I bet you are more than ready for that project to be over.
I love all the easter pictures. A is just beautiful.
I'm glad A is feeling better. I really hope she doesn't have allergies already. That bathroom must be driving you crazy. Hope Matt is able to work on it. I'm excited to see it done.
Happy Easter!
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