*You've outgrown all of your 3-6 months clothing...and even 6 months in your footed one-pieces. It's scary to see the size on your clothes creeping closer and closer to 12 months.
*You can now tripod, but we have to be right there to catch you if you lean back.
*You got your first "cold" on your 5 month birthday!
*Boy do you have a temper! If you can't get whatever it is that you want you screech! ( I have since ordered this book)
*You love bath time....even getting the water in your face doesn't phase you.
*Bath times will very soon be getting moved to the bathtub as you love to splash and inevitably flood the kitchen.
*You love to drink out of mommy's glasses of water...and would rather do that than a sippy cup.
*You love to sit outside and watch everything that's going on: It doesn't matter if you're on someone's lap or in your stroller....you just watch.
*You had your first taste of sweet potato and weren't completely opposed to it.
*You're starting to recognize your name.
We weighed A at the store last week and minus diaper and clothes she's right around 15 1/2-15 3/4lbs...measuring right around 27" long.
She is wonderful!
She is just precious!
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