Thursday, February 4

Feeling better...

Yesterday was blah! I felt better all day, but by 6pm the exhaustion was catching up with me and Ave was fussy and quite frankly I was beginning to lose it (to the point that I was seriously considering putting her in her crib and just leaving her for a bit, because I was getting edgy).

I called Matt and asked him when he was going to be home because I was on the verge of a breakdown. He came home about 5 minutes later and it was better. It seriously just helps me to have him here...even if she won't go to him, there's someone else here.

We went up to bed at 9...she went down pretty easily, I turned out the late at 9:30 and she started. I swear the kid has photo-sensitive skin...she knows when I turn the light off in my room, even with her door shut! I went in and gave her George, she went back to sleep, I went back to bed, she started again, I went back in gave her the last oz in her bottle and she went back to sleep.

She fussed again at 10:30, but went right back to sleep and STAYED asleep until 3:30. Gave her a bottle, put her back down and she was out until 6:45, at which point I brought her back in bed with me until 8:45. So it was a better night, not the best, but better.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Oh, I'm hoping it gets better for you soon. Hampton will be sound asleep and the second his head hits the mattress he wails until someone picks him back up. It's getting better everyday, but sometimes it can really break your spirit. (And good for you for calling when you knew you were getting to that "edgy" point. Obviously it's best to just set her in her crib, shut her door, and let her cry if you need to. A few tears never hurt a baby!) Hang in there!!
