Wednesday, February 3


Yea, that was me...last night. I have no idea why, but it was not a good night. Yesterday my sister, A, and I went shopping and out to lunch (pizzeria uno). I had some things to return at sears and wanted to pick up cardstock to make A's christening invitations. Felt fine all day....we put A down to sleep at 8, and she stayed down.

I turned off my light at 10:30, at 12 I hear her crying, I go in give her her pacifier (George) and she goes back to sleep, at 1:15 I wake up and keeping swallowing...feeling nauseaus from post-nasal drip (?), go to the bathroom and feel like I'm going to throw up, but then don't, but then I did for a 1/2 hour, I try to go back to sleep, my stomach is hurting, my throat is raw from throwing up....I hear Miss A again at 3:00. I get up, AGAIN, and give her a bottle, she goes back out...then she keeps waking up on and off until that point Matt get's up to go to work (he's slept through ALL OF THIS!), I get her and bring her in bed with me (it's now 6:30)...she's only interested in sleeping until 7:45, then we're up. I don't even know how much sleep I got last night, all I know is that this was the 2nd night in a row that she's not sleeping well (this was THE WORST night since she was born).

Right now, I'm exhausted, my head and neck hurt from throwing up, and I've tried laying on the couch while she naps, but it isn't happening. I've had a REALLY hard time over the past week falling asleep and staying asleep...I don't know what that's about (the only thing I can think of is lack of physical exertion). My stomach feels better, but I just want to curl up in a hole and sleep :-(


sadie607 said...

Aw Jess I'm sorry that sounds awful. I hope you feel better soon and can get some rest.

kimbosue said...

How terrible. I hope both of you can get some rest soon.

BelowAverageAthlete said...

I hope you get some sleep and feel better soon!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Jess things will get easier. I know easier said than done right now when you are tired. My ex husband would always sleep through my kids getting up when they were babies. I used to get so mad I just wanted to punch him. LOL. It is the new Mom ears you have. We become very light sleepers TRUST ME. Just take it easy today if it doesn't get better check with your doctor. Exhaustion can do funnt things.


Rebekah said...

I'm so sorry! I hope you're feeling better and sleep routines get back to normal in your house soon.
