Thursday, January 14

My daughter has been body-snatched!

My normally happy, easy going, smiley, sleeping, goes to anyone baby has been kidnapped. In place of her I have a baby that wants only mommy and SCREAMS until I'm holding her.

I'm at a loss...the past 2 days have been horrible, worse than when she was days/weeks old.

Last week she had her vaccines (Monday) and she was sleepy all week, but still happy...just wasn't eating as much as normal...Sunday night she slept 8 hours straight.

Monday it started...when she gets upset no one can console her, once I have her, she's ok and goes to sleep pretty quickly.....Tuesday night she wouldn't stay asleep unless I held her....otherwise she just screamed and screamed.

All day yesterday she was beyond anything I've ever seen. I held her the entire day, except for a few breaks when she was asleep and I could put her down, but never for more than 35-40 minutes. Daddy tried to console her...SCREAMED. Oma (my mom) tried.....SCREAMED. It did not matter she who or what they were offering...she screamed.

She slept last night (on me - because I was exhausted). Matt got up with her at 5... she took a bottle from him, and then SCREAMED and would not calm down and go back to sleep. Again I ended up holding her and within minutes she was out. She hasn't done that in almost 2 weeks (sleep on me).

Tell me she's too young to be showing this kind of preference. Or what we can do...because Mommy's going a bit batty. I'm praying that today is LOTS better and that she just hasn't felt well.


kimbosue said...

It still could be remnants from the vaccines, huh? Poor baby.

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Oh no! Hope she's back to her "old self" soon!

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Oh, I hope she is back to normal soon. I hope it isn't something serious and just one of the stages babies and toddlers go through.

Becky said...

sounds like a growth spurt. Does she stretch a lot? Nick did this a few times and usually it went away in a day or so. Baby's are so hard to predict. I constantly tell my husband, 'just becuase Nick used to ____, doesn't mean will continue'. Most dr's say if they have any reaction to the vacines it's usually within 24 hours, but you could call your dr and check.

Carrie said...

I'm sure it's just a passing hiccup in her development - off and on throughout infancy each of my three children have had "off periods", where they just weren't their normal selves, and I became frantic to figure out what was wrong. But in the end, I don't think there really was anything to pinpoint as "wrong", just a string of bad days, and then they'd be back to normal. Hope this lets up soon - I'm sure it will!

Anonymous said...

I would call the dr.s nurse and just describe what is going on, maybe get an appt. My son did this and he ended up having an ear infection that I didnt know about. Broke my heart that I didnt take him in for a checkup sooner.

Rotten said...

It is possible that it could be something like an ear infection. A trip to the doctors office can be very consoling to rule out a medical issue. If she is healthy and nothing is wrong, then at least you can sleep better knowing she is just going through a change. At her age, nothing lasts for very long and as long as she knows her parents are there to console her, she will get through this. It could also be gas. I know that C went through a stage where we gave her Mylicon drops after every meal to help settle her belly and ease the crying. They contain no drugs or alcohol or artificial coloring so you can feel safe giving them to her. Get the dye free ones and the generic brand works just as well as the name brand. Just a thought. Couldn't hurt to try. Hang in there.

~Hollie said...

I went through this same thing, about the same time. All I can say is IT PASSES! PHEW! I know you will be ready for it to pass, SOON!
