She's been doing better. Yesterday was bearable and she was acting a bit more like herself. She was on her more regular sleep schedule last night and so far today she seems to be more like herself. Someone had suggested that it was a growth spurt, and then someone on the boards said their son went through the same thing at 8-10 weeks and chalked it up to a growth spurt and the vaccines. We're thinking it's a mix of a growth spurt, the vaccines, and an upset tummy. I'm beyond glad that she's getting back to her normal self.
We had a meeting this morning with the Child Health Plus people...A's application is submitted and they didn't see any issues with her getting the insurance. Hopefully it will all be through and submitted before her next Well Baby visit in March. I even got the application in the mail for Matt and I for Healthy NY...hopefully that goes through smoothly.
This is what I made for A's room though. I've wanted something like this for a while. It isn't quite this color (I wasn't using the flash), but I'm pleased with how it came out :-) I'm waiting on one thing from Willow Creek Signs and then her room will be DONE!
This just in: Matt was in a car accident. He's fine. Today is the day he does the route, with another guy. The other guy was driving...he has issues, a lot of issues...most of which have been resolved for the past year or so. Matt was putting things into the computer and BAM! I'm not sure of all that happend, but from the sounds of it, the other guy fell asleep while driving and jerked the van off the road.
It's not even funny how many issues there are now because of this: The first being that the van is undriveable and they still have the entire day's worth of deliveries to make. If Matt makes it home before 10 tonight I'll be surprised. The other big issue is getting the van repaired; this isn't a minivan it's a 16' refrigerated van. On top of all this my parents insurance for the trucks/business is going to go through the roof because of this.
The guy told my dad in December that he was going to be moving out of the area in June, but I think my dad might just be firing him before then...he's pretty pissed. There's absolutely no excuse for this guy to not come to work well rested: He lives alone, his girlfriend is in another town, and he has no other responsibilities outside of work. At least Matt is ok (albeit very pissed off).
Oh my goodness! I'm glad your husband is okay. I'm all for over-tired dude to hit the road. That is just NOT cool.
Congrats on your baby girl after such a hard road! I read your bio and smiled when I read she was born this past year. The picture for her room is gorgeous.
I'm so glad your husband is ok!
I read your blog, but don't comment often, but I couldn't not respond to this post. In June, four members of my family were killed when the driver of a truck fell asleep and hit them (they were stopped at a traffic light). Not that any accident is good, but hopefully it will serve as an eye-opener for this guy (so to speak--couldn't think of another way to put it!) before something worse happens.
I really enjoy reading your blog, and I love seeing the things you make--I'm hoping to learn to quilt this year, partly because of the things you've made. :)
I absolutely love the sign for A's room and think it would be a gorgeous invitation.
Hoping that Matt is doing ok.
The glasses look great!
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