As wonderful as it is to hold her while she sleeps I have to get things done around here! And I'm paranoid about creating bad sleep habits that are going to be murderous to break down the road. She needs to sleep during the day, but doesn't.
She does OK at night. She's back to her earlier routine and she does the big chunk of that (10-3:30 or so) in her bassinet, but she has to be on my chest or Matt's to fall asleep. I have yet to put her down while she is drowsy and have her actually go to sleep on her own. I'm at a loss for what to do. I started reading "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child", but I feel like all it does is tell me HOW she should be sleeping, not WHAT we need to do for that to happen.
I hate just letting her cry. She doesn't wind down and just becomes more and more hysterical...especially if her pacifier (aka George) pops out. I just don't know what to do....
We want to start transitioning her to her room, for at least the bigger sleep session at night, but even that...I can put her down in there sound asleep, but she wakes up after 15 minutes and then cries...I go in soothe her (not taking her out of the crib) and she's ok, then cries again...this went on the other night for 3 hours until I gave up.
She'll sleep in her bassinet, next to me, fine for her big stretch. When she wakes up at 3:30am if her hands and cheeks are cool (if they're not I leave her in the bassinet) I bring her in bed with us, because the house does not stay warm (especially when it's -15 with the windchill and no heat upstairs). We want to transition her to her crib only because we can turn a heater on in there and get it a lot warmer.
I know what I want...good nap sessions during the day, preferably in her crib so nothing disturbs her and sleeping in her crib at night, but how can I do that when it doesn't matter where she sleeps. She won't fall asleep unless on us and then doesn't stay asleep depending on where we put her :-(
I plan on talking to the pedi tomorrow about it....oh yeah...tomorrow we have SHOTS! YAY! :-(
(As down and as desperate as I sound, I'm more just concerned about her getting into bad habits. We're all getting good sleep at night...even if it is with her on my chest.)
Have you tried any music or sound machines? Someone gave us this thing called a Sleep Sheep, and you hook it on the crib and it plays sounds. A mother's heartbeat is one of the sounds. I wonder if that might help? I obviously haven't had a chance to test it out yet!
Kasen went through that too and I had multiple people suggest I read "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I did and loved it... within two nights he was sleeping through the night again. Granted, we had a set back a month ago of vaccines and he's still not back to his normal schedule. I plan on buckling down starting tonight actually to try to get him back to sleeping better again.
Anyway - I highly suggest the book!
Have you started a night time routine at all. That helped the babies clue into when it's bedtime and helped with the drowsy but awake transition for night sleeping. As far as naps go those are still a struggle for us so no advice there. I hope she sleeps better soon.
She is just beautiful. Im just now catching up with you. SO proud for your sweet girl!
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