Monday, January 4

2 Months - Well Baby Check-up

Today we had Avelyn's 2 month check up: She's doing well!

She weighed in at 11lbs 9.9oz and 23.6" long (she was squirming though; we measured her last night and she was a touch over 24"). He did detect a slight heart murmur, but he said it wasn't something he felt strongly enough about to send us to the cardiologist. We're going to play the "watch and wait" game on it. He said that if she wasn't thriving he would be more quick to send her.

I also asked him about something else that Matt and I noticed: A's pupils are not centered to the rest of the colored part of her eye...only by mere fractions, but enough that we notice it. He wasn't sure if it was an issue or not so we now have to go to a pediatric ophthalmologist (YAY!).

And the most dreaded part of the entire visit: SHOTS! Ave had to have 3 shots and an oral. The oral was ok, the first shot was done before she noticed, but the 2nd and 3rd sent her into the stratosphere...poor baby...I was doing my best to keep it together. She was hysterical...I have NEVER seen her cry that hard.

We're home now and she's sleeping. I'm hoping and praying that she doesn't have any issues from the shots.

1 comment:

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Time is flying and I know you are enjoying every moment. M has been seeing a pediatric ophthalmologist since he was a few months old. Let me know if you have any questions.
