Sunday, September 20

"Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead!" - I Peter 1:6

I don't like when weekends come to an's always sad.

Yesterday I got out of working in the store (yay!). My parents were out of town and we had 2 people, other than Matt, scheduled to fill in. It was a slow enough day and the one guy's girlfriend stopped in and she helped with the cleanup. I was free to do what I wanted...which entailed about 6 loads of laundry (all Matt's...that boy has more clothes than anyone I know!), cleaned the house a bit (mopping mostly) and made a pot of apple sauce from the apples we picked.

This morning we went to church for the first time since the end of June (pathetic, I know): We've had something going on every single Sunday since then. Of course we didn't have a restful nights sleep and it was a bit tough getting out of bed to go to church.

Matt was up brewing until after 1am last night...then at 2am the dogs started barking. I got up to take them out, but could tell it wasn't their typical "I need to go pee/poop!". Somehow, in my half asleep stupor, I had enough sense to not just open up the backdoor and let them go out (like I usually do).

I had them on their leashes and opened the door and was going out with them...when I noticed a fluffy white tail next to the garbage can on the back porch and the dogs were heading straight for it: A SKUNK! I grabbed their leashes and quick hauled them back in and shut the door. I think the skunk was as startled by us as we were of it...because it never sprayed. That's not to say if I hadn't been paying attention it wouldn't have.

Out the front door we went and all the time me checking to see that it hadn't moved out front. The dogs barked almost constantly the whole night because of the darn skunk outside, so we didn't get much sleep. Could you imagine if that skunk had sprayed?! It would have been the whole back end of the house, me, and the dogs...Matt would have just moved out for the next few weeks. I'm so thankful the skunk didn't spray.

After we got home from church I made some butternut squash soup, which came out really good and was REALLY easy. We had squash in the freezer from last fall...and I figured since we hadn't eaten it as squash, maybe soup was the answer. It's certainly an easy and quick meal!

Matt cleaned the basement today and got the furnace ready for the winter...we now have room in the basement to store some wood. After he had a nap we worked some on the bookcase: It's too tall, in my (wrong) opinion. I had wanted it to be 3'x5': Only to realize that 5' is a lot higher than I thought it was (I'm 5'5"). I tried to get Matt to cut it down shorter, but he absolutely refused and I could not get him to change his it stays.

This week I have to sand the whole thing down and prime it with a couple of coats, then paint a couple of coats as well. One of the shelves could be a bit more spaced, but Matt wasn't waiting for me to come back from upstairs with the book I wanted to test it with (can you tell he was being a poop-head?). The book fits, but it's a bit tighter than I would like.

We had dinner at my parents' house, but before heading up there I wanted to do an impromptu photo was a beautiful afternoon. We decided not to spend the money on a photographer and are just going to do a couple of sessions by ourselves. Hopefully we'll be able to get my sister or my mother to come down and take some of the two of us. Matt did a really good job! I'm very proud of him! While the frame positioning isn't always perfect, at least a couple of his pictures came out looking quite professional. I will leave you with these...have a good week everyone!

Maternity Shoot - Session 1

1 comment:

Jendeis said...

The pictures look wonderful! Matt did a great job and the purple shirt was a good choice.

I hope that you are feeling better.
