Friday, July 31

It is at the edge of a petal that love waits. - William Carlos Williams

The final verdict is that my camera is getting sent off to Nikon to be fixed BOO!!!! I tried everything to get the flash working again; so off it goes tomorrow and hopefully it isn't gone forever. I hate not having my camera! Right now I'm using my dinky Kodak z740: BAH! It's not a camera! It's a toy!

Here's the last few pictures that I took with my nikon before it was broked'ed :-(

I'll miss you my nikon :'(

On Wednesday I got an awesome packaged from Katie at The Happy Hours. She knit that hat herself: Isn't it absolutely adorable! The book is a "Mother's Journal" with lots of awesome bible verses and places to fill in your own thoughts about the topic pertaining to those verses...It was all beautiful and I was beyond touched to receive such special gifts: Thank you Katie!

Today's mail was very exciting as it contained several exciting things, or rather 1 package which contained several exciting things.

I ordered the fabric for the kid's quilt, as well as the pattern, a book (50% off), and a couple other patterns. I have to say: I haven't opened the fat quarters all the way, but I am absolutely IN LOVE with the colors (of course this crappy "camera" doesn't do them justice) (please ignore all of the other junk on my kitchen counter).

I have one more exciting package coming in the mail (I really do prefer to get money from family, since no one will actually "gift" me these things): I had found a tutorial a long time ago on Little Birdie Secrets for making cupcake bath bombs. After another friend gave me one for a birthday gift I decided that it was high time to try and make my own.

We carry some of the ingredients in our store, but the rest I ordered from it arrives soon and I have lots of sweet smelling success with them. If I do, my sister has decided that we're going to give them as favors at my shower :-)

All day today I was thinking about all the crafty and fun things I wanted to post about, now the only things I can remember are the two I posted about (I think I'm in a bit of a mood...I don't know why).

Oh, I did "finish" the closet! We, obviously, still have to do the floor in there and reinstall the door (it needs to be trimmed down), but I think it's kind-of-maybe-sorta-done. I plan on getting one of those hanging closet organizers to put on the upper rod, so I have a place for diapers, burp clothes and such.

Tomorrow I'm heading to O-town in the morning to pick out some carpet (reminds me: Matt and I need to measure the room tonight). I'm seriously hoping they have something I like. I'm very much a remnant carpet person...I can't believe how much they get for carpet at the home improvement stores. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything for less than $150; then Matt and I will install it on Sunday (*fingers crossed*).

Once the carpet's done, I have to touch up some paint, move in the furniture, and then all that remains is the sewing and decorating of the room. Hopefully it will keep me busy while Matt is working at the fair...I'm already missing him :-(

I honestly can't remember anything else I wanted to say....there's so much to do around here and I'm just completely overwhelmed I think. Between projects and cleaning and cooking food to eat...I just don't want to do anything!


Katie said...

Oh I love the fat quarters! It's gonna look great :) I'm glad you like the hat and journal. I finished it and declared it my favorite hat ever

VA Blondie said...

The fat quarters are great! I love the colors. That quilt will look fantastic!

And that hat is so cute! I love it!

Jessica White said...

testing testing
