As far as what I'm limited to doing in NC: "If you feel ok doing it and it's nothing outrageous, there's no reason why you can't just do whatever you normally would". BOOGIE BOARDING HERE I COME! (let me just say that I'm not some crazy person, I more or less just float on the waves). She actually told me that it's a great time to travel, because I'm out of the risk area and not uncomfortable yet...sounds good to me. I do have to take a baby aspirin while we're driving to help prevent any blood clots.
Surprise of all surprises....we have our "anatomy scan" this Thursday. I was hoping for next week, but the only time they can get us in between now and when we leave is Thursday. Hopefully they can find out everything they need, and we can find out if we're having a girl or a boy. Oh my goodness, it's so hard to believe that we may actually know what we're having in just a few days!
The drive home was interesting. Matt drove from O-town, a peasly 35 minutes away, by the time I dropped him at my parents and drove into town (another 10 minutes) I was gagging and praying that I'd make it home before I threw up. As soon as I made it in the driveway, I opened the door and was throwing up. Lovely! This drive to NC is going to be interesting...unless I'm driving I feel nauseous (I've always had issue with car rides, but it's worse now). I have to ask on Thursday about whether I can take dramamine, otherwise I'm driving for 12 hours or throwing up.
The weekend was busy, we did a lot of work outside. I got all of the window boxes planted, as well as the hanging baskets, and managed to weed the front flower beds. Matt got the back and front lawns mowed. He was going to rototill the garden, but the tiller isn't working...that has to go to the shop tomorrow.
I know I've been really bad about keeping you guys up to date on what sewing projects I've had going on. I can't show you what I just finished, because I sent it off without taking any pictures. I will show you what I made tonight. I've been wanting a summery tote bag to use as a purse, but I haven't found any I like...I finally caved and tried making my own actually came out:
I love, love, love the tote that is so cute! And this thursday it's so soon. You should be able to see everything we found out at 17 weeks and you'll be just a few days from then. So exciting!!
Here's hoping your 12 hour ride goes well. With lots of water drinking and lots of bathroom breaks.
And all of my OB appointments were so so boring. Necessary but boring.
What a cute bag! I love the pink yellow colors.
Glad your OB appointment was uneventful. Have fun at the beach!
That's pretty!
I can't believe your anatomy scan is already here. I'm excited for you guys. Sorry about the nausea-that sounds awful.
Oooh, that tote is fabulous! I need to get my sewing machine tuned up and then start sewing again - my fabric stash threatens to consume what we plan to use as a baby room.
Have you tried the Sea-bands for the nausea? I totally swear by them and I don't know how I could have made it through the last few months without them - there is only so much ginger candy a person can eat.
Exciting that your scan is coming up so fast! Hope you get all the info you want on the first try!
Love the tote! Can't wait to hear what you find out on Thursday!
I nominated you for an "award" on my blog.
CUTE BAG!!! I hope your anatomy scan goes well!!
Love the totie bag! Its so pretty! You are very talented. Can you rub some of it off on me.
WOW, I didn't realize we were so close in our pregnancies! I'm just a tad bit ahead of you, today I'm... 17 weeks and 6 days.
I think we both need to thank God that our OB appts are "uneventful". Thats the way I like 'em! ;o)
Can't wait to hear about the u/s tomorrow. Let us know!!ASAP! We got so blessed when the radiologist got to see our lil one's parts on the NT scan. I know its not 100%, but from 3 different angles, Radiologist saw lil man parts. So we've been assuming its a boy. I'm guessing we'll get final confirmation on Tuesday (5-19) with our "anatomy scan". Sorry to take up so much of your comment section. Just had a lot to say, I guess!
Thats a cute bag! You did a great job.
I want one! =o)
I guess I should try too...
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