Sunday, May 10

16 weeks 1 day

Tomorrow we head to the OB's for our next appt and to setup the appt for our anatomy scan (AKA Gender check!) I can't wait to find out, but at the same time I'm scared to find out.There's a video that someone posted the other day that I thought was absolutely hysterical. So, instead of being smug, I'm going to come right out and say it: I really want a girl....yes, that's right, I said it out loud, I want a girl. We already have our girl name picked out and it's absolutely perfect...boys' names are another story. Honestly though, you all know we seriously don't care...beggers can't be choosers.

I'm feeling all right. I threw up on Thursday night...that makes three times. In all honesty I had eaten a Twix PB bar (love them!) and didn't feel good all afternoon after that, then I ended up swapping cars and driving all over for an hour, came home and threw up.

I lost that pound I gained last week and then gained it back this past week. So I'm still down about 5 lbs or so...hopefully I don't get lectured tomorrow: I'm eating healthy and enough, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I'm starting to feel this little one more and more. Especially at night or when I'm laying down. It's one of those things that unless I really pay attention to it, I would just dismiss it as stomach burblings. It's definitely a crazy thing to feel.

I out'ed myself at work on Friday. I brought pink and blue cupcakes in with a little sign saying Jess and Matt were Expecting: Due October 24th. I work in an office of all guys, we tested to see if they would figure it out without the sign and they didn't. I did give my one coworker a heads up the day before about the announcement (the one who's wife had recurrent miscarriages and they're now getting a divorce): He really appreciated that and thanked me. The funniest thing is that at work now I have about 15 dads who all "yell" at me for doing things. It's rather humorous.

The cw who I share an office with had kind of guessed it the week before. She had noticed that my pants were maternity pants and that I was eating crackers constantly and going to the bathroom more. I figured that she knew anyways or was at least suspicious. So that's done, everyone knows now. I can start wearing clothes that are comfortable.

All in all that's about it....according to I should prepare for a growth spurt over the next 2 weeks...that baby will double in size and weight. I think I'm ready....maybe I'll actually want to eat something. We'll see what my belly looks like for NC.


sadie607 said...

Yay for 16 weeks! And what a great way to share with work that you're pregnant. Much better than my method haha.

annacyclopedia said...

Congrats on being totally out and on 16 weeks! You're kind of like my crystal ball exactly a week into the future. Although I haven't thrown up at all. But a Twix sounds really, really good! So exciting that you're feeling the little one moving - you're inspiring me to spend some quiet time each day paying attention to see if I can feel anything, although I just have a hunch it will be a little later for me.

And yeah, let's hear it for comfortable clothes! I'm desperate for summer to start so I can start wearing dresses - I've about had it with tight things on my belly!
