Thursday, March 26

Today, I stood up for myself...

I usually don't: I'm usually the person wanting to go whatever way is the path of least resistance. Not today: Today I'd had enough.

My shadow is constantly asking personal she was back on the topic of kids: "Do you have kids?" -No; "Do you want kids?" -Yes; "What's the hold up?" -Do you really think that's any of your business?! *ZING*

She had been going on for a good 10 minutes about how she didn't wait long (she's divorced and doesn't have custody of her kid) and how it's better to have them when you're young...blah! blah! blah! I just snapped.

Her lame response was "I'm just trying to make conversation." UGH! I was really pissed for quite some time, then worried about what she was going to think or ask of my coworker, then I was just really happy with myself for telling someone that my having, or not having, kids is none of their business.


annacyclopedia said...

Good for you, Jess. She clearly deserved it!

sadie607 said...

Good for you. And I hope for your sake she leaves soon. She sounds so obnoxious.

Leslie said...

Goodness! I'm glad you stood up for yourself! Maybe she will think twice before she gives the next person 20 questions...

Jendeis said...

I'm so proud of you!!

lassie said...

well done! Probing questions about family planning should be banned from all social conversations. Glad you used your opportunity to teach a Nosey Parker a lesson.

~Hollie said...

AMEN SISTER! Its a big ole fat NONEYA! NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!! You go girl!

Janna said...

Good for you!! Hopefully she learned a thing of two about getting too personal with aquaintances. Some people just need sensitivity training thrown at 'em.

littlezen said...

You go girl! Kinda makes you wonder what she did to NOT have custody?

mlg- believe-n-miracles said...

Good for you!
