Sunday, March 29

10 weeks 1 day

We're a 1/4 of the way there: YAY! 10 weeks is starting to sound like an "official" pregnancy. we told our pastor today and she is ecstatic for us, she knows all that we've been going through.

It's kind of weird being "out"...I'm not used to people asking me how I'm feeling and what-not. That and I'm afraid of jinxing this pregnancy. Especially with my MIL who just does not stop talking about BIL's wife being pregnant and just pregnancy in general.

Evening sickness is still here (almost every night, but varying in how severe)...boobies are still tender...definitely sleepy. Supposedly my nipp.les are bigger, but I haven't noticed...I'll leave that one to the boob-expert in our house.

No noticeable difference in my tummy from last week. I'm definitely bloated by the end of the my stomach hurts because of how it's stretched out.

I finally had a beloved turkey sandwich today. Yesterday I was making subs, for all the kids that handed out flyers around town, and the turkey was calling my name. I have to confess I did have 2 small bites of my sister's sub (which I would never dream of doing if it was someone elses store or product). I took a pound home, microwaved it ('til steaming) and had my sandwich today....yum!!

We've actually set the date for my shower: August 29th. I have family visiting from my mom wants to do it while they're here and have a huge family BBQ after the shower, since all of our stateside family will be visiting anyways. I guess we're also having a tiny double shower in NC, since MIL's sisters' won't be able to make it to my or BIL's wife's shower. Of course, now my MIL wants me registered for things by then...I just don't know about registering at 16 or 17 weeks. I guess I could always just throw some things on a registry.

Nothing else really going on. Another week until our OB appt.


sadie607 said...

I agree that being out is weird, I still get surprised when people just now notice (I'm huge) or when people ask how I'm feeling. How exciting that you have a shower date. All this fun pregnancy stuff. I'm so excited for you and Matt!

Queenie. . . said...

1/4 of the way already!!! The time is flying by!

I hope the evening sickness gets better soon.

Rachel said...

oh my so exciting!!!! At 10w someone asked me how far along I was and I said "2.5 months". Turns out she thought I was WELL over 4 months!! lol... that was the PIO thank you very much!

I can't wait to see a baby belly on you!

Chelle said...

Boob expert - LOL! YAY for being 1/4 of the way!

annacyclopedia said...

Ack! You're freaking me out! I'm only a week behind you, which means I'm only a week away from being a quarter of the way through. EEEEEEK!

(Breathing deeply...) Ok, just a moment of panic there. But I have a feeling it will keep returning - this is the first time I've felt like it's going by quickly, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

And yeah, evening sickness sucks. I find if I force myself to eat protein at supper it is a bit better, even though protein in general is yucky to me at the moment unless it is dairy.

lassie said...

Boob-expert made me laugh. My husband would love to be considered that!

Congratulations on 10 weeks, may the coming weeks bring you continued health, happiness and loads of customers to the store!

Ariella said...

Don't worry about the lunch meat the risk is low and you heated it. I would be worried if you ate a subway sandwich but anything else I say go for it and enjoy.

Your 1/4 of the way there already!

Elle Charlie said...

Sounds like things are great! Enjoy each day - you so deserve that!
