I have a confession: I bought an infant snowsuit, 6 months. I got it on ebay for $10, it's brand new. I'm trying to justify it as I can get one cheaper now than I can next winter, should we need one. It's rather adorable: Baby blue with Peter Rabbit on the bib.
I'm doing all right. My Boobs are a bit more sensitive, but having had a breast reduction I think I'm spared the major pain that most people get. I seem to be getting waves of nausea: Most of the time it's all right, but then sometimes (no rhyme or reason as to when) I feel really off. I keep trying to snack, but the food is sometimes hard to get down. Drinking kind of helps. Of course, I wonder how much of this is in my head, and if it's going to get worse in the next few months.
I feel like I'm going crazy: When I feel nauseas I think all is right and we'll get good news next week. The moment it subsides I worry that I'm not pregnant. I know that if I had had higher beta numbers I wouldn't be this fearful. I know that my numbers were not extremely low, but low enough to cause me concern. Monday cannot get here soon enough.
try not to worry too much. Sounds like you are just gearing up for the m/s. It will be here in full force soon enough. I can't wait for monday either we have another ultra sound too. The quilt is so pretty.
The quilt looks beautiful. You did a great job.
Much love to you and Matt. Monday can't come soon enough. :)
I'm thinking of you a lot, Jess. Monday is my blood test and it can't come soon enough for me, either.
And the quilt is just lovely. I'm in awe of how much you manage to do creatively!
The quilt is amazing and the invite is adorable too, nice work. As for the worry, there's really no cure for that. Only a few more days until your ultrasound, hopefully that will provide some comfort.
You had a breast reduction? I am thinking about getting one. What did you think? I am currently a 38DD and I want to go back to a C. I figured I would wait until after I have kids and breast feed before surgery. Any advice?
When I was first pregnant, I had no sympotoms. I had more with both my ectoptic and my m/c. Not everyone gets every sympotom! I'm sure all is awesome. Can't wait to see the results of your u/s.
I know its impossible...but try not to stress too much. Not only are your betas well within normal range, but they MORE than doubled. That is awesome!
That baby quilt is adorable.
Wishing you lots of good luck on Monday.
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