Tuesday, May 27

"A good book has no ending." ~R.D. Cumming

Unfortunately, this is not true. At some point, the story ends, the characters "freeze" and nothing more happens in their lives.

There have been quite a few books that I've read, that at the end I cried. Not because the ending itself was sad or something upsetting happened to the characters, but because it was the end. The characters, in a way, died. There was nothing more for them.

This past Christmas Matt got me "World Without End" by Ken Follett, the sequel to "Pillars of the Earth". "Pillars" was one of the books at the end of which I cried. At the time he had not written "World" and it was, for me, the end of the characters.

"World" has now been sitting on my shelf for 5 months. I have not looked at it, I have not opened it, I have not even thought about. I don't want to read it, because I know once I do I will not be able to put it down until it is done. Once it is done, the characters are gone. Like a dream. They'll exist only in memory.


sadie607 said...

I love books that have this effect on me. Where I get so immersed in the characters and their lives that I always want to know more...

(Erica) Rebel With.A.Cause said...

Oh I know just how you feel, that is why I read a lot of "series" books, I hate to see the charcters "end".

Thanks for your comment on my blog, and please know that if you need a shoulder, I have one!! Good luck with the rest of your journey.


Amanda said...

Oh, I thought I was tho only one who did that! I feel more normal now :)

Here from NCLM, by the way.

SassyCupcakes said...

I've been thinking about reading Pillars of the Earth for ages, I'll go looking for it now.

My favourite book is actually a short story and I can read it over and over again and find something different in it each time. I always want there to be more though, for it to have grown a happily ever after.

Vanessa said...

I hate the feeling that I get at the end of a good book. But lately, I have just taken to looking at it like they are like old friends who get lost in the shuffle, and fade out of your life. They are still out there, somewhere, living on, but not a part of my life anymore. Still makes me sad, but not quite as sad.
...via NCLM...

Jill said...

I get so sad when I finish a book, because I always feel like I'm losing a friend! I spend so much time reading/thinking about the characters that they almost seem real.

sassymonkey said...

That's why I reread so many books - so I can visit the characters over and over and over again. ;-) (NCLM)
