Thursday, May 29

"Upset by lack of flags"

The local newspaper printed my editorial: YAY! 1) For that fact that they deemed it important enough to print, and 2) Because I'm in the newspaper! Matt walked around for a good 10 minutes after reading it, chanting: "My baby's published, oh yeah, my baby's published" (goof-ball).

Here's the article:
Driving across town on Sunday, something struck me as rather dull about downtown OUR TOWN . Then I realized what was missing: There were no American flags lining the streets. I couldn’t believe it. I figured that surely they would be up for the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, but as of Monday they still were not out.

I would like to thank the residents and business owners of OUR TOWN who saw fit to fly our national flag this past Memorial Day weekend: You are truly an asset to the community. Shame on those of the village/town who were responsible for hanging flags along the main streets of OUR TOWN and did not.

It is disgraceful that the American flag was not flown from any lamppost along Delaware Street or on the bridge. Through out the village there were only a handful of homes that were flying the American flag: The surrounding towns were flying the American colors all through the holiday weekend.

Memorial Day is a time at which we are to remember those who have died for our country so that others may live free. We are at war, however unpopular it may be, and American troops are risking their lives on a daily basis. Right now it is even more important to remember those brave men and women, today and throughout history, who have given their lives and those who are still risking their lives. The least that we can do is proudly fly our flags for them.

If we need new flags, I am sure that the people of Walton would be willing to make donations towards them. I can only hope that whatever the cause was for the oversight of hanging the American flags throughout our town, that it can be remedied before the Fourth of July.



sara said...

I'm over from NaComLeMo to say hi. What a great post, I couldn't agree more! My grandfather lost his life over in France during WWII leaving my grandmother and 2 year old mom behind here in MI. He was only 22 years old. Last fall I made a trip over seas to visit his grave, it was the most moving experience so far. I had my flag out and always will :-)

oh2btigger said...

Visting from NLCM!

Congrats on being published! That's quite a feat! And you DH isn't a goof-ball, he's just PROUD!

Jill said...

I found you through NaComLeavMo and thought I'd say hi. Coming from a very patriotic family, I really applaud your letter to the editor. Way to speak out and congrats on it making the paper! I hope the people that didn't hang the flags are ashamed of themselves!

SheWoreScarletBegonias said...

Good for you for speaking up and saying what alot of people were probably thinking but didn't take the initiative to make a statement about. I hope your town listens, and will make a change!!

DC said...

Congrats on getting published!!!

My husband and I are pursuing both ART and adoption. I wish you the best of luck with your journey to parenthood (however you get there)!

Found your site through NCLM and love your blog! You can visit me at

Michelle said...

Over from go girl! Congrats on being published, and on a topic near to my heart. Kudos to you!

Miss Feisty said...

Hola from NCLM! Thanks for stopping by & commenting! :)

I think it is wonderful that you wrote this article & even better that they printed it. I couldn't agree with you more! It is so upsetting when people pay our military no respect. Regardless of political views, etc...we are all Americans & we should be proud!

Nice blog, I'll be back :)

Heather said...

Congratulations on making it into the paper!

Our flag was flying on Monday. :)

momofonefornow said...

over from nclm.

congrats on being published!
