Monday, May 26

Weekend in Review

All weekend we've been running: I'm ready for the work week, just so that we can rest!

There was the Civil War Reenactment in town over the weekend. My mom, sister, and I, along with the local theater group (which we are a part of), were asked to perform at the Evening Service on Saturday night.

In full Civil War era clothes we marched to the fairgrounds, ready to wow the masses in the singing of: "When the roll is called up yonder", "Somebody's Knocking at Your Door", "Bringin' in the Sheaves" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Throughout the whole weekend Matt was busy working on our hen house. He did a phenomenal job. I am so lucky to have a husband who not only is willing, but has the know-how to build the things I want. Most husbands wouldn't be as patient as he his with meeting my demands.
Here's the hen house thus far:

We still have a lot to finish on it (obviously). We still have to cut out the door for the chickens and the window, as well as build the run for them and hang the chicken wire, and paint! Oy!

I also had to, unfortunately, write a letter to the editor of our local paper. I'm embarassed to say that the village never put out the American flags this weekend. Not one. The only flags that were out were ones that individual people or businesses put out. I was really ticked off about that. As far as I know there was no reason for the flags not to be out.

Here is a picture of my grandfather (he's 88-WWII Veteran) in our Memorial Day Parade. You can't really see him, but he's in the passenger seat waving. (If my uncle got a better shot, I'll put that up instead).
My parents, brother and SIL, and sister all came over after the parade. Matt and my dad and brother brewed a batch of beer, while us girls sat around and talked. After lunch we all went outside and threw wood into the basement. We have a wood furnace and needed to get last years wood into the house before this years wood gets delivered.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and that your week goes quickly.


Kim said...

Wow a hen house! I cannot get mine to hang a shelf! lol Here from NCLM.

JJ said...

Hey Jess! Im here from NCLM--I am pretty sure I have come across your blog before, but let this be the official hello!
First, I have to say Im a total Civil War geek--I love everything about the era, and I read anything I can get my hands on that comes from (or is about) that time period. Very cool that you got to do a reenactment!
Also-I see that you are buds with Jen (Maybe if You Just Relax) She's been great to blog with over at Redbook!
Just wanted to let you know too, that I am the Male Factor Clicker for the Lost and Found that Mel @ Stirrup Queens puts out every weekday--let me know if you need a link to it. I report to her for the male-factor community, so I will be glad to send her news/questions that you have as you all move forward.
Whew, Im getting long winded--Ill be back soon, and I look forward to following your journey!

Heidi said...

I am so jealous of the hen house. And Civil War fun to boot!!

VA Blondie said...

I have not been to a Civil war re-enactment in a long time. At one time Hubby was thinking of participating in them. He even has a Confederate uniform!

The hen house looks great. My Hubby would not do that good a job.

MC said...

That's awesome that your hubby was able to build a henhouse! That's an amazing skill he's got there!

The parade and reenactment looked like it was a lot of fun as well!

(NCLM attendee)

oh2btigger said...

Wow! How much fun are you having! Hi, btw, visiting you from NaComLeaveMo-land!

I love the pictures!!

Baby Step said...


That is so cool you are going to have a hen house with real chickens!!! We can't have chickens where I live, but sounds like fun. Mmmm. Fresh eggs!

HereWeGoAJen said...

The Reenactment looks like so much fun! I love the picture.

SheWoreScarletBegonias said...

Wow!! sounds like you had a busy weekend!!!
I have a friend/coworker who does alot of civil war re-enactments too and she loves it. (Actually her whole family is involved it in). Good luck with the hen house too! It sounds like alot of work!!

Jendeis said...

Came over from NaComLeavMo. I'd love to be part of a reenactment. You guys look so great in your costumes!

Christy said...

What great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
