Wednesday, April 9

Ordered our Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Barred Rocks!

I obviously didn't know what to title this post.

Matt's sick on the couch...he thinks he has a simple cold, but my uncle (who was here this past weekend) called and said he has strep throat. Lovely! I'm hoping he doesn't get it, and that I don't get it. I don't want another cold, let alone strep throat.

I ordered our chicka-poos today: We'll be getting 2 Barred Rocks and 3 Rhode Island Reds, from MyPetChicken. They're the only place that I found that we could get the few that we wanted and the mix of breeds.

I'm so excited! We should be getting them in the mail (that's right, the USPS), the beginning of May....not much time to start building them a hen house! Fortunately, they won't need one for a while. We'll probably keep them in our laundry for the first few weeks. We're well on our way...before too long I'll have my milker and we'll have our own little farm :-)

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