Thursday, January 31

It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid

We went yesterday to the neurosurgeon, for Matt's back. It's decided: He's going to have surgery. The doctor agreed with us that we have tried all the alternative options. He also agreed that doctor #1 was premature in his decision (immediate surgery Feb'07), especially considering Matt is only 25 (24 then).

The doctor was really great. We both walked out of there feeling confident in our decision. The doctor even believes, based on the MRI, that the part of the disc that had ruptured and was pressing against the psiatic nerve may have even broken off...which would explain why Matt was feeling better in October and then back to square-1 in November. Ultimately he thinks the disc did heal, but that broken piece is now pushing on the nerve.

We're waiting to hear back from the doctor as to when they can do the surgery. Of course, it has to get approved from Workers Comp. We're hoping that by the end of February he'll either have had the surgery or will be very soon.

Matt and I decided that even if this is a temporary fix and becomes a common occurrence (bad discs) it will be worth it. What he does isn't living, because he can't really do anything. Hopefully it will all be worth the increase in his quality of life.

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