Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18

Let go, and Let God

I had to go to work this morning: Yuck! Fortunately, I was home by 10:00am; just in time to climb back into bed with Matt ;-)

It was gorgeous when I got up. The sun was starting to burn the fog off, and the sky was a deep blue. I grabbed my camera. It was a good thing, because since I left work it has done nothing but rain and be overcast.

Now, before you look at them. Keep in mind, they are completely unedited. I had nothing to do with them and their composition. They were taken while driving down the road at 60mph, out the window. Thus what I mean by Let Go and Let God. They are entirely His works.

Thursday, May 8

“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” Abe Lincoln

Today is my mom's 48th birthday! YAY MOM! I met her and my sister, and a couple of my mom's friends for lunch today: It was nice. Last night, after 5 straight hours, I finished my mom's gift.

She was so excited to finally have a quilt "something" that I made. Of course, I took my camera and didn't take any pictures: Oy!

This morning I woke up and it had rained overnight, the blossoms had all opened up and my allergies are in full bloom (benadryl here I come). I took some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

And just because he's so cute when he's dressed up...Matt, home from the office :-)
