Friday, August 29

Summer Stories {Part 3}

Things have started to settle down a bit from the fair. It was kind of nice to have the fair be so early this year, gave us a few weeks to settle down before heading out on our next adventure: Hershey Park {more on that on Monday}. But for now, I shall regale you of the tales from fair week.

Somehow I managed to push the 250lb stroller to and from the fairgrounds {about a mile one way}, twice a day, for 7 days and only lost 2 lbs. That just somehow, doesn’t seem fair. The kids had fun though, and they were all relatively well behaved. Going around by myself I don’t let anyone but Avelyn out of the stroller, and she’s only allowed out in the morning, when there are less people around.

Ironically there seemed to be a lack of ridiculous comments made to me. Of course, there was a plethora of the whispered ones and disgusted looks. I decided that I can handle the ridiculous comments, even the nasty ones, but I really have a hard time with the looks of abject disgust on their faces. Fortunately, they’re few and far between.

We always start the day with breakfast at Baba and PopPaul’s {Matt’s parents} concession stand.IMG_2296[1]

I think the kids downed about 2.5 lbs of breakfast sausage in one sitting.IMG_2299Then it was always off to see the animals.IMG_2300IMG_2302IMG_2304IMG_2307IMG_2311Checking out the baby chicks in the 4H building.IMG_2314Having dinner we Daddy at our stand.IMG_2324”This is yummy corn mom!”IMG_2337How we rolled one night, when I didn’t want to deal with the quad stroller. Let me just say that Jamie will not be getting worn on my back ever again, especially when walking 2+ milesIMG_2343We had quite a bit of hammin’ at home too.IMG_2358IMG_2366Then it was back to the fair to eat. We ate at the fair a lot; I just do not feel like cooking that week, especially when Matt has a ton of our good food over there.IMG_2373Then there was that one night we invited all our friends and their kids to come to dinner at our stand.IMG_2374IMG_2379We had to get at least one picture of daddy and the kids.IMG_2389Then there was that one day that me, my sister, and my friend Jill snuck out of town and headed to Ikea {we had lunch at Chipotle}.IMG_2422More fun at the fair!IMG_2428IMG_2433Lunch on the go! Hot dogs in hand.IMG_2434We even sneaked in a bit of ice cream the one afternoon.IMG_2445IMG_2450

Avie even got to pet a cow…she wasn’t too keen on it.IMG_2454The highlight of the week was that this little girl won her first big kid bike!IMG_2465Of course one of these had to happen…chili cheese dog.IMG_2480We had to train our staff in the art of fried food.IMG_2491Avelyn got to milk a {fake} cow.IMG_2496James stole Mommy’s glasses.IMG_2497The highlight of course was the wooden John Deere tractor play set.IMG_2502IMG_2505With Oma, Ollie, and Aunt Kiki to watch.IMG_2506Then there were the ducks. My how this boy loved the ducks.**IMG_2511More milking of the fake cow.IMG_2518IMG_2520James loved the animals in the petting zoo.IMG_2526IMG_2535Our mandatory family picture on the last day.IMG_2537

**Yes, we are those awful people who put our children on a leash. I want to see you keep track of 3 kids that like to run, in opposite directions at a busy fairground ;-)

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